THE PAST WEEK the signs are everywhere prophetic events are happening worldwide with shocking events caught on camera. Are these precursors to the end times or carefully planned psyops?….strange sounds, loud booms, you judge.

Many sense the world is hurtling toward calamity. Mankind is overwhelmed with every kind of trouble, evil and ill—terrorism, violence of every kind, pollution, overpopulation, political upheaval, religious confusion and tremendous economic turmoil and decline, which suggests an even worse Great Depression is ahead.

New diseases keep emerging and old ones are re-emerging. Famine is decimating entire segments of local populations. And incomprehensibly lethal weapons of mass destruction now threaten humanity.

The genocidal depopulation plan generally involves poisoning or sterilizing people through the use of chemtrails or water fluoridation. Agribusinesses transnational like Monsanto are often implicated in some sort of scheme to monopolize the world’s food supply so it can be easily tainted with deadly toxins. Just about anything that can be said to involve “chemicals” can be implicated in this nefarious scheme: vaccines, alleged covert geo-engineering schemes, genetically modified food, etc. Variants of the theory include those with an anti-abortion tinge who incorporate conspiracy theories about Planned Parenthood, and AIDS conspiracy theorists who believe AIDS was concocted in a laboratory for the purpose of reducing the population. Another variant, largely attributable to Lyndon LaRoche, has worldwide nuclear war as part of the conspirators’ alleged plan along with a deliberate economic collapse and de-industrialization to force the world back into a “new dark age.”

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Hundreds of millions live in abject poverty, ignorance and oppression. Add rampant and worsening immorality and perversion across the world—and the never-ending cycle of hatred and unrest growing ever worse in the Middle East—and earthquakes, volcanoes and frightening weather patterns across the world—and devastating fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts and floods occurring more often and in more places. Headlines scream daily of seemingly endless problems. World conditions, events and trends speak in frightening terms about how things could quickly turn in the wrong direction.

Millions are wondering about the course of events, and whether the world is on the brink of destruction.
Look around. People’s conduct is changing. More authority figures are sounding the alarm that human nature is running wild—and conditions are exploding out of control! No thinking person can disagree.

Only in the modern age have weapons of mass destruction been available. The 20th century saw the two most devastating wars in history, with WWII far more destructive than WWI. We are in the last intermission preceding the truly greatest war, foretold to exceed anything before it. A sinning, rebellious humanity is reaching the end of its rope, when war’s potential cannot grow worse, because it can erase all life from Earth in one last blast of total destruction.
An expanded definition could include acts and effects of terrorism, such as bombings, but also demonstrations, protests and riots. These things have almost arrived full force. But civil disobedience and related acts, including violence, will grow far worse than today’s mere front edge.

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All nations are poised for a never-before-seen global food crisis. Drastic changes will soon come to an interconnected modern world. No more will supermarket shelves brim with abundance. No more vast exports. No more wealthy nations able to assist countries stricken with drought and famine.
If war leads to famine, and it does—the resulting malnutrition invites a host of diseases.
Disease will soon alter the course of history in a profound way. Horrific epidemics, the likes of which have never been seen, will strike the world’s wealthiest nations. And coming pandemics will dwarf all that preceded them. The ensuing chaos will affect you, and all of your loved ones. Everything around you will change for the worse.


Trouble.” While this brings to mind riots, civil uprisings, protests, violent crime and gang war—and these are connected to commotions—it also includes a range of difficulties that would come from floods, tremendous hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons, and other severe storms—all forms of “roiling water.”

Earthquakes and volcanoes have become regular in the news. The greatest period of activity in history is now underway.

Mega-earthquakes—of awesome magnitude, resulting in tremendous, widespread destruction. This sets apart the time when earthquakes come more often and with more destruction from less frequent relatively “average” quakes in previous periods of history. The same would be true of volcanic activity.

RELATED : The Elites Underground Bunkers, Planet X (Nibiru) Earth Changes and How To Prepare – Safe Locations for the U.S.A.

And just how and when America will fall … everything you took for guaranteed … you current lifestyle, the comforts of life and America will be erased of the face of the earth.. World War 3 will hit by.2017…And this is only real solution for you and your loved ones…

Millions of Americans live in areas guaranteed to suffer a major, catastrophic earthquake within the next thirty years. Millions more live in areas vulnerable to savage hurricanes and floods. Still more Americans live  in areas vulnerable to terrorist attacks or “technological disasters” of our own making. Why are they there? What have they done to get ready for these disasters? Recent events in New Orleans, Mexico City and Haiti show how truly vulnerable we are, and how slow an effective government response will be. This book can help by walking you through a step-by-step process of planning, preparation and action that will help you get ready for the catastrophe you just know is coming. This book is useful for all those who wish to survive the coming catastrophe, and help their families and close friends to survive as well. Fortune favors the prepared. Get ready!


Other useful resources:22

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)

Backyard Innovator (A Self Sustaining Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water)

Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness)

Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )

Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)

Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)

Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )

Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)

 Survive Any Crisis (Best  Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)

Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)

Drought USA (Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)

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