The Great Depression Comming – In Just 10 Months, 744 Banks Failed , The Dollar is About to Collapse
The Great Depression was the greatest and longest economic recession in modern world history. It began with the U.S. stock market crash of 1929 and did not end until 1946 after World War II. Economists and historians often cite the Great Depression as the most catastrophic economic event of the 20th century. The Stock Market Crash During the short depression that lasted from 1920 to 1921, known as the Forgotten Depression, the U.S. stock market fell by nearly 50%, and corporate profits declined over 90%. However, the U.S. economy enjoyed robust growth during the rest of the decade.
The Roaring Twenties, as the era came to be known, was a period when the American public discovered the stock market and dove in headfirst. Speculative frenzies affected both the real estate markets and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Loose money supply and high levels of margin trading by investors helped to fuel an unprecedented increase in asset prices. The lead-up to October 1929 saw equity prices rise to all-time high multiples of more than 30-times earnings, and the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 500% in just five years.
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Thank You. Today we analyze the great recession the similarities between the past recessions and the looming one of today and the ways you should prepare to survive and thrive the recession. The Recession of 1918 is often called the greatest financial crisis in the history of the United States because it lasted ten years and crashed the entire economy.
The American leadership tried everything to save the economy but nothing worked out, every solution proved to be ineffective in the face of such a crisis, and the only thing that could save the economy was the deadliest war in human history the second world war. Its July of the year 1914, world war one breaks up, and the entire European continent is in conflict, but the war slowly spreads to the rest of the world. Everyone is eager to win, but unfortunately, supplies are limited, especially food. So the allies turn to the United States for help, since it wasn’t directly affected by the war and had the economic power to do that. War by no means is good, but it brought a period of economic prosperity to the United States.
The demand for equipment, weapons, wheat was at an all-time high, and no one else could fill that gap except the US. If you were a farmer, you could produce as much wheat as you wanted and could sell it easily at a high price. Since countries with troops at the battlefield had to take any measures to win the war.
By the end of the war, the United States also entered the game, which further increased the demand since soldiers needed equipment and food. It was probably the best time to invest since the economy was booming, and everyone was making money. Even though the war has ended by 1918.
The demand for American goods, especially wheat, didn’t fall because the entire world was still recovering. When farmers realized that, they began taking huge loans to buy more land and equipment to farm more wheat. Which led the real estate prices to grow. That pushed people to buy even more lands hoping to sell it later for a higher price. The same thing was happening to every other industry. In fact, many companies emerged that only existed on paper but didn’t even have the equipment or land because everyone was throwing money into the stock market, hoping to make a fortune, which further escalated the prices. Would you really stand aside and watch how your neighbors make money while you get nothing. Even foreign countries started investing in the united states hoping to make a buck. I guess you can already see the flow.
Many companies were overpriced since most of these investments were based on speculations. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop people from investing. People had faith in the economy. When things are good, you start thinking that it’s going to be like that forever. What seems so obvious today wasn’t obvious then. However, When Europe started recovering, the demand for American goods fell, especially for wheat, since other counties began to grow wheat as well. In August of 1929, France and Italy were bragging of a magnificent harvest, while the US had millions of bushels of wheat on the shelves that they couldn’t sell.
This oversupply threatened to drive the prices down. It caused a little panic in the stock market but didn’t cause anything significant. A month later, the wheat prices decreased from $1.49 per bushel to $1.31 because of the oversupply. It was devastating news, the stock market plummeted. People got frightened and began to sell their stocks to cash out before the stock market declines further. That only made the situation worse crashing the market even more. That day, October 29th went down in history as Black Tuesday. However, that was just the beginning. Since wheat prices were falling, farmers couldn’t pay back their debts, which created pressure on the banks.
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– How to distinguish clean water and food from ones that have been contaminated after an attack. This keeps the family safe and free of diseases that may be caused by contaminated food or water.
The panic has already spread to the entire country, and all that people cared about was cash, so they rushed to the Banks for their savings. Unfortunately, banks couldn’t pay back their obligations since their borrowers weren’t able to pay them back their debts, so they had to shut down one after one. In just ten months, 744 banks failed. It didn’t matter whether you had a good or bad business, people lost faith in the market, and all that mattered was to minimize the losses. As a result of that, even good legit businesses started declaring bankruptcy.
The news spread to Europe and caused panic over there since many European countries have invested heavily in the United States. The panic caused the same thing over there, and soon the entire world was facing a great depression. Although this crisis happened almost a hundred years ago, financial crises, in general, are pretty similar, including the dot-com bubble of the 2008 crash. And the next global recession is going to take place in a very similar way. Nobody really knows for sure how and when exactly it’s going to start, but we have multiple bubbles that are big enough to burst at any moment, such as student loans, healthcare, and, most important, the stock market itself.
Since the last crisis, S&P500; has increased dramatically, this growth is definitely unsustainable, and when it crashes, it’s going to create a panic that’s simply going to make things much worst. We can’t really avoid the recession because the world economy is so interconnected and dependent on each other that a crisis in the largest economy in the world, will take down the rest of the world with it. One thing is sure is that the recession isn’t going to be forever. It might last a year, maybe two, maybe five, but eventually, it will recover.
Just a year after the 2008 crash, in 2009, the sp500 increased by 26.5 percent. So don’t panic and sell your investments when the media are shouting all over the place that if you don’t sell now, you are going to lose every damn penny you have invested. Of course, some companies won’t survive the crisis and go bankrupt as it happens in every crisis, but if you are an investor in an index fund, you should be fine. You probably will lose your job because companies will start cutting costs in order to survive, so if you are not vital to their survival, you might be unemployed, so make sure you have some savings on the side, at least. But the smartest investors will start investing heavily because prices will be at their lowest point. And once the economy recovers, they will be much wealthier.
Here are 20 things you can do today to prepare for the Greater Depression.
During the Great Depression, millions of people lost their jobs. However, the percentage of women employed grew. According to The History Channel, “From 1930 to 1940, the number of employed women in the United States rose 24 percent from 10.5 million to 13 million. Though they’d been steadily entering the workforce for decades, the financial pressures of the Great Depression drove women to seek employment in ever greater numbers as male breadwinners lost their jobs.”
One of the reasons is because women took on more stable jobs, such as nurses and teachers. During the pandemic, we quickly grew accustomed to hearing about “essential workers,” or those workers who were needed to keep America running while other businesses closed.
Take steps today to make yourself essential. Do what you can to make your boss see you as an irreplaceable asset. Not only will this keep you employed during an economic upheaval, but it will also better your chances of receiving a raise or moving up the ladder.
#2: Reduce Your Spending
If you follow step one and increase your income, don’t fall victim to lifestyle creep (where you start spending more as you earn more). Instead, do just the opposite. With economic upheaval on the horizon, this is not the time to live large. Instead, look for opportunities to reduce your spending. Look for ways to lower your utility bills and insurance, get rid of unused subscriptions, and stop buying new just because you can (i.e., you don’t need the latest cell phone model).
#3: Get Rid of Debt
Take the extra money you are earning and the money you are saving for reducing your spending, and use it to get out of debt. Forbes explains, “Debt is a problem even when the economy is booming. But it’s an even bigger problem during recessions, when you may be facing the possibility of losing your job or experiencing a serious decline in the value of your investments.” The fewer debts you have, the better your chances are of making it through the Greater Depression.
#4: Build Up Savings
In addition to getting rid of debt, you need to build up your savings. Sadly, many Americans do not have emergency savings accounts. If another depression does occur, emergency savings will go a long way toward protecting your family.
#5: Diversify Your Income
When it comes to income and savings, avoid putting all your eggs in the same basket. Instead, diversify. Not only is this the way most millionaires become millionaires, but it is also simply a smart financial strategy. For example, if your company shuts down during a depression and that is your only source of income, you will not have any more money coming in. In contrast, if you start a side hustle today or make wise investments (such as sin and comfort stocks, gold, or precious metals), you will have other means of survival.
#6: Don’t Live beyond Your Means
Many Americans don’t see any problem with living beyond their means. According to U.S. News, “Experts agree that it’s bad, and even dangerous, to be in a sustained situation of having little or no emergency savings (let alone adequate retirement savings).
But just like the partially-shut down federal government, which relies on borrowing to stay afloat and risks another downgrading of its credit rating should the shutdown persist, Americans are unable, or unwilling, to live within their means, analysts say. Credit is much easier to get, and has become a convenience instead of an emergency tool, experts say.”
Many Americans use credit cards or bank loans to “purchase” pricey cars, designer clothes, and luxury vacations – things they actually can’t afford but trick themselves into believing they can because they have a credit card.
#7: Keep Cash on Hand
Nowadays, it is common for people to rely on their debit or credit cards for all their purchases. As the Great Depression showed us, we shouldn’t put all our money in one bank. That doesn’t mean you need to rush to the bank and put all your cash under your mattress. Instead, make a point to always have emergency cash on hand.
#8: Grow Your Knowledge
Not only will growing your knowledge base make you irreplaceable at work, but it will also help you out at home if a Greater Depression occurs. For example, start expanding your knowledge of common household substitutes and DIY solutions. If a Greater Depression occurs, you won’t be able to get everything as easily or afford a handyman. Therefore, it is wise to learn how to do as much as you can independently.
#9: Store Food and Water
One of the first things that will run out during the Greater Depression will be food and clean water. Once items do return to the shelves, they may be rationed, or prices may be exorbitant. We’ve seen this firsthand during the coronavirus panic. Since we know natural disasters and economic upheaval are always possibilities, it is wise to store long-lasting emergency food and tools for water filtration.
#10: Stockpile for Inflation
Similarly, begin thinking about nonperishable items that will likely increase in price due to inflation should a depression occur. Consider the things people panic bought in 2020 and stockpile them today. Items such as toilet paper, coffee, batteries, ammo, and paper products will likely rise in cost. If you stockpile them today, you will save money tomorrow and may even use them for bartering.
#11: Learn Survival Skills
During the Great Depression, many people ended up homeless. Sadly, this may happen again if homes are foreclosed and cars repossessed. If this happens, how will you feed and shelter your family? Take time today to learn survival skills, such as how to build a fire and purify water.
#12: Purchase Land
One of the best things you can do now to protect yourself during an economic depression is to purchase a cheap plot of land in a rural area. In addition to being an asset, the land can be a safe place for your family to go. Plus, if you own your own land, you can grow your own food and not depend on grocery stores.
#13: Have Other Types of Currency
Yes, you need cash in your emergency savings. However, if the banks fail, cash will not hold the same value. This is why it is necessary to have other types of currency as well, such as gold and minted silver. You may also want to consider currency outside of the U.S., such as Euros.
#14: Keep Extra Medicine
If the economy spirals out of control, then it will be harder to access healthcare. For this reason, stock up on extra medications – especially prescriptions. See if your doctor will prescribe multiple months at a time or if your pharmacy will fill orders in advance.
#15: Grow a Garden
One of the ways to survive the Greater Depression is to know how to grow your own food. Learning how to grow a garden will help you whether or not the economy goes south. You will save money, eat healthier, and feel a sense of pride.
#16: Raise Your Own Meat
If you can purchase your own land or already live somewhere where you are allowed to own farm animals, now is the time to start raising your own meat. And as one woman who survived the Great Depression shared, “Poppy always said the world turns and everything that has happened would happen again. I am sure if he were still with us today, he would be warning us to start a garden and buy some chickens.”
#17: Invest in Hunting and Fishing Supplies
During the Great Depression, many Americans survived because they knew how to hunt, fish, and forage for food. In addition to learning how to do so, you should invest in the tools and supplies needed. During the quarantine, widely used gear, such as bikes, were hard to come by. During an economic depression, these types of supplies will be difficult to find.
#18: Know What and How to Barter
During the Great Depression, bartering was a common means of survival. Look through your home and consider what you own that you could barter if needed. And don’t stop with physical goods. Consider what skills you have that you can use for bartering.
#19: Reuse and Recycle
Rather than throwing away something once it is used, find ways to reuse or recycle it. This habit will go a long way during an economic collapse. For example, resourcefulness during the Great Depression included everything from using up every vegetable in depression soup to reusing flour sacks for dresses.
#20: Strengthen Community Bonds
Get to know your neighbors today. During times of crisis, you need your neighbors. It is better to get to know them now rather than during a disaster. If so, you’ll know who to turn to when you need a certain tool, skill, or recipe. You’ll also know whom you can trust.
Start preparing for the Greater Depression today, friends.
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