Never let a crisis go to waste. Especially a government manufactured crisis. The Elites needed a pandemic lie to shut the countries down.Now they have it. With over 3 billion people throughout the world in lockdown, countless businesses forced to close and going bankrupt, and social distancing from the COVID-19 invisible enemy the new norm, indeed. This is unprecedented in the world’s history. The politicians are doing the same exact thing as they do when they get us into war. The governments are closing down entire economies. They and the media have declared fighting the virus a WAR. And, just as they take us to war after war with no exit strategy, so, too, their lockdown war strategy has started the Greatest Depression with no exit strategy that can stop the global economy from crashing. We are going to see crime levels going off the charts. As the little people cannot pay the rent and bills.
These politicians are all telling us what to do because they do not have to worry about getting paid; they steal our money in the name of taxes. You cannot put millions out of work and not expect this thing to explode in a way we have never seen before in history. This thing was going down before. They only propped up the equity market with trillions of dollars created out of thin air. The world is being led into the Age of Biological Terror with controlled demolition of the economy that is already causing unprecedented carnage across markets and around the globe. Instead of fixing the broken Healthcare System, they would rather kill off the people who need it the most. This is Agenda 21 unfolding in front of our eyes. The FED will be the Government to the government.
Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 is The United Nations Depopulation Plan To Kill us. The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening, and eventual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And now in 2020 we are witnessing marshal law in Countries around the world due to a manufactured disease. Mass Mandatory vaccines will be here soon. People will be begging for a vaccine. This is a war against the people. This is unfolding before our eyes. It has all been manipulated to change life dramatically as we know it. The dots are connecting now at faster than ever, and the picture looks ugly.
AGENDA 21 WILL reduce the human population from almost 8 Billion to around 750 Million. This means that The UN is planning on killing just over 90% of the global population. COVID-19 is just one step closer to this agenda. And it seems to be a huge step forward. The green new deal is agenda 21 2.O it just encapsulates everything these elite want in one document. Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” Said Henry Kissinger, a long time ago.
Hard to believe, but, this is the first new month since the Corona virus lockdown. Millions have been nervously waiting for the ‘relief’ package from the government, but, that will arrive a month late. As the bills pile up (rent, car payments, credit cards, etc) millions will begin to get scared about more than just catching the virus. They will be demanding relief, to go back to work, or just to start stealing what they need. So far, the public has been patient and tolerant of the restrictions on movement, loss of income, loss of socialization, loss of recreation, etc. I believe that patience is coming to an end. The emergency state is now out in the open for all to see. Unfortunately, “we the people” refuse to see what’s before us.
Most Americans, fearful and easily controlled, would sooner rouse themselves to fight for that last roll of toilet paper than they would their own freedoms . In A Time of Universal Deceit…Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act. There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press. They are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.
They are the jumping jacks, they pull strings, and we dance. Their talents, their possibilities, and their lives are all the property of other men. They are intellectual prostitutes. If voting made a difference, you wouldn´t be allowed to do it. Democracy is simply an illusion. If your vote meant or changed anything, it would be illegal. Left-right liberal-conservative are all the opposite sides of the same coin ; with no basic difference at all the outcomes are always preordained. We are trapped in a corrupt system. A rigged game we cannot win however, we vote. We agree on one thing for sure that is to get rid of the central banking system that enslaves the world.

Study the constitution of your state. You may find that your state constitution no longer describes the boundaries of the state -effectively abolishing the state. At last check, the only states that still lay out their boundaries in their constitutions are Washington, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada, ‘Utah,’ Colorado, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico and Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida.

Only the states marked with a slash still retain state boundaries which are still specified in their State Constitutions. When the State borders are no longer in the State Constitution, it is the signal that the State has lost its sovereignty (and its State Citizens).
The prohibition in both the State and the United States Constitutions are very clearly defined and impregnable. The only way that these changes can be made, of course, is to change the Constitutions. The perpetrators of Regional and World Government well know this.
FEMA is the acronym for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It was established by Executive Order 12148 and signed into existence by Jimmy Carter in 1979.
It was originally planned as an umbrella administration consisting of the disaster and emergency response arms of nearly a dozen scattered federal agencies.
FEMA is the successor to the various cover agencies for bogus “national emergency” activity perpetrated since 1933, e.g., the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Office of Defense Mobilization, the Office of Emergency Planning the Economic Stabilization Agency and the Civil Defense Administration… FEMA’s major functions were, unconstitutionally and in violation of the Compact, delegated under sham and pretense of a series of so-called Executive Orders, but without actual authority. ..
…While some national security planners applauded the 1979 creation of FEMA under Presidential Review Memorandum 32 as an effort to integrate all nine federal agencies with responsibilities for civil defense emergency planning and implementation, the authors of the plan had other things in mind.
The FEMA plan was written by Carter White House NSC advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and NSC staffer Samuel Huntington. Four years earlier Brzezinski and Huntington had been together at the “Trilateral Commission’s annual 1975 conference in Kyoto, Japan”, where Huntington delivered a blood-curdling paper advocating the end of democracy and the imposition of crisis-management forms of government. A Trilateral Commission-linked magazine, Challenge, had earlier described the concept as “fascism with a democratic face”.
NSC advisor Brzezinski called it the “technetronic age”.
It was Brzezinski and Huntington’s vision of a technocratic fascist structure that came into being with the creation of FEMA – not a legitimate and long overdue serious attempt at civil defense…
Crisis of Democracy…
“We have to come to recognize that there are potentially desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.”
Within months after he had written this analysis, Huntington entered the Old Executive Office building as an NSC staffer under the Trilateral Commission executive director Brzezinski. FEMA was cast in the “crisis of democracy” vision of the commission’s zero-growth agenda. The transition from Carter to Reagan tended to accelerate, rather than slow, the buildup of the FEMA parallel government within the government program of Trilateralist Brzezinski and Huntington.
By 1984, FEMA’s “continuity of government” structure was well oiled. Over 1,000 executive orders allocating extensive powers to FEMA in the event of a string of national emergencies sat in a safe in the Oval Office, waiting only for the signature of the President.
And in April 1984, FEMA, in conjunction with the Department of Defense, held extensive secret maneuvers throughout the United States. If there was any doubt that Huntington’s “crisis of democracy” vision was foremost in the minds of its planners, a declassified section of the exercise plan, dubbed REX-84 BRAVO spelled out the scenario on which the operation was based:
“…The sudden withdrawal of cheap incremental loans to heavily indebted countries generated a number of consequences to both borrowers and lenders alike. The first was to throw the entire world into the worst recession since the great depression of the 1930…
“The response of commercial banks… was predictable… both the multinational banks and the IMF… emphasized three actions: a) lower imports; b) raise exports; and c) reduce the government sector debt by cutting subsidies and, in effect, cutting real wages.
“The outcome of this advice, on a worldwide basis, was primarily social unrest. It occurred in the Warsaw Pact nations as well as free world countries. The major impact of a high and rising dollar with the interest rate of most loans tied to the London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) was to shift almost all import earnings from being used to pay for imports, to being used to service debt…Bankruptcies and defaults on a massive scale developed, and doomsayers began to publish apocalyptic scenarios“…
This so-called “scenario” was the basis of secret government contingency planning for installing crisis-management at the very moment that President Reagan was delivering false assurances to the American people and the nation’s allies that great economic recovery – The “Reagan Revolution” – was under way-Railroad! by the Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations, Appendix B.
Fort Meade, Maryland is the government’s most tightly guarded installation (it houses, among others, the secret National Security Agency). In an unmarked, windowless office building on the grounds of Fort Meade, hundreds of thousands of American citizens are being “computerized” by technicians on the payroll of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
“Administratively, this place is the equivalent of an unlisted telephone”, explained a former senior official of FEMA who agreed to an interview on condition that his identity be protected.
“It has no official existence. There is no listing for it, no traceable designation. But it’s there, idling quietly, like a doomsday bomb waiting for its moment in history.“
The task of FEMA’s secret data control annex at Fort Meade is to develop so-called CAP’s-the term stands for “crisis action programs”-to be implemented in national emergencies. The term was originally used to denote disaster relief plans at the Federal Preparedness Agency, once a department of the General Services Administration, now merged into FEMA.
But the computerized action plans instrumented at Fort Meade have nothing to do with aiding victims of hurricanes or other natural disasters. They are blueprints for taking over the U.S. government and converting it into a command system under the “emergency management” of federal bureaucrats.
Privately, congressional investigators, intelligence analysts and veteran Washington newsmen familiar with the inner machinery of the vast federal bureaucracy have long expressed concern and anxiety about FEMA. An “umbrella administration” born in 1978 when President Jimmy Carter combined the disaster and emergency response functions of nearly a dozen scattered federal outposts into a single agency, FEMA has always been known as an “activist” and secretive fraternity.
Under Louis Giuffrida, appointed FEMA director by President Ronald Reagan in 1981, the agency developed a top-secret project for arresting tens of thousands of “suspects aliens” along with troublesome critics and dissenters whom the White House found annoying enough to be labeled “potentially subversive.”
Tagged Operation Rex 84, these un-Constitutional plans were first discovered and revealed by this populist newspaper (The Spotlight) in a series of exclusive investigative reports in the April 23 and May 14, 1984 issues.
People are born with the innate desire to survive, but sadly, many in our increasingly dependent society look to others for relief and assistance following a disaster. The fact is that help from government, family, or neighbors is often unavailable when needed most, and in the end you may have only yourself to count on.Do you know what to do and how to do it if disaster strikes?
But although,
“The Spotlight’s expose wrecked FEMA’s plans for setting up mass “emergency detention centers” – and cost Giuffrida his post as director – secret preparations for “(ensuring) the continuity of the federal government” in ill-defined “emergencies” remained the major concern of FEMA’s senior officials.
“Those words, enunciated by President Gerald Ford in Executive Order 11921, were understood by FEMA to mean that one day they would be in charge of the country,” explained Dr. Henry Kliemann, a political scientist a Boston University.
“As these bureaucrats saw it, FEMA’s real mission was to wait, prepare and then take over when some ‘situation’ seemed serious enough to turn the United States into a police state.”
To illustrate FEMA’s conspiratorial core, knowledgeable Washington intelligence sources cited the instance of the 1989 visit by President George Bush to Cartagena, Colombia, to attend a so-calledregional drug summit with three Latin American presidents.
“There were rumors of a terrorist threat against Bush by Colombian drug hit squads”, recounted Monroe H.Brown, “a former federal security officer with long years of service Miami.
“Teams of Secret Services, FBI and CIA agents were mobilized to find out how serious the threat was, while back in Washington FEMA went to work on an emergency program in case the presidential plane was hit by a Stinger missile somewhere over Colombia.”
FEMA’s emergency measures included preparations to round up more than 10,000 Americans “redlined” in the agency’s computers as “activists, supporters or sympathizers of terrorism in the United States,” explained Brown.
In August 1990, after Iraq invaded Kuwait, FEMA got ready to deal with “terrorist emergencies” in the United States by churning up the same old discredited computer compilation of “terrorist supporters and sympathizers,” adding thousands of names to it and alerting the U.S. Army to set up detention camps to hold these innocent victims of its bureaucratic brutality.
Emergency is the trigger word in the FEMA title.
“The Director of FEMA shall, on behalf of the President:
- Coordinate all mobilization activities of the Executive Branch, including production .procurement, manpower, stabilization and transport. FEMA will be able to alter any existing contract.
- The FRS (Federal Reserve System), with all its branches will become “fiscal agent to the United States” with dictatorial power over the economy of the nation.
- The Treasury and the Export-Import Bank will be authorized to make loans under the direction of FEMA and the FRS.
- During a “National Emergency” the President, an “Elected Official” would be stripped of all his Presidential functions.
- Set-up an Executive Branch of the government and a National Defense Executive Reserve (“NDER“) composed of persons selected (not elected) from various segments of the civilian economy and from government for training for employment in executive positions in the event of a “National Emergency”. …Such reservists have been treasonously exempted from certain provisions of the federal criminal code, and may be employed “without compensation”, e.g., shanghaied or blackmailed into service! …

This diagram, from The U.S. Congress Handbook, shows how U.S, laws are supposed to become enacted.
Thanks to FEMA however, the president has the power to bypass this process after declaring an “emergency.”
These emergencies have never been defined in Congress.
Seize and/or control every major national asset.
- Provide for National Security and consolidate the assignment of emergency preparedness functions with various departments and agencies.
The Department of Justice shall develop plans for administering laws regarding the import, manufacture and distribution of narcotics, i.e., do anything it wants relative to narcotics since the term “emergency” purports to eliminate all “law”. They are also ordered to take-over organized crime’s drug rackets and “manage” them!
Have the Dept. of the Interior take-over all potable water.
Place all food production under the Dept. of Agriculture.
Take-over all labor resources by means of lists already prepared by the Dept. of Labor.
Implement take-over of all forms of transportation by the Dept. of Transportation, assisted by the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Implement take-over of all nuclear facilities by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Take-over authority and presidential functions of all emergency agencies and reduce the consequences of major terrorist incidents.
…case and list some examples of the “perpetuation of a silent coup”.
For example:
- — Declaring certain areas to be “military reserves” and cause American citizens to be removed from their homes and imprisoned without trial under the pretense of racial difference.
- — Another code provides that any military commander (under FEMA) can, under the color for “National Emergency”, specify any area he desires as a military reserve, and designate anyone living there as a criminal. …
(end of excerpts). (15)
…When “Martial Law” is declared, the Constitution is no longer the law of the land. It is revoked and replaced with what amounts to a military dictatorship in much the same way that Latin American countries have been doing for score of years. Those with the most weapons usually win. Most American know very well that a large share of men in uniform will not fight against their own people, particularly if the soldier is of their own ethnic background. …
The debate over “Martial Law” has been around for a long time. The Department of Defense recognizes that, within our Constitution, there is a question of lawfulness if the military is ordered to declare “Martial Law” over the citizens of the United States. This debate became extensive during the early days of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) while it was being developed in California by then-Governor Ronald Reagan and his advisor, Edwin Meese.
A Col. Guiffrida moved to Washington with Reagan and Meese completed the organizational concepts on a national level. The debate over “Martial Law” was extensive during the “Garden Plot”, “Cable Splicer” and Rex-84 programs wherein the military (primarily National Guardsmen) conducted training exercises to put down “civil unrest”.
In working with FEMA, the Dept. of Defense was given the replacement phrase, “Martial Rule”. All of the government of the world recognize the term “Martial Law”. It means the same thing everywhere. When it is declared, the constitution of that country is suspended for as long as the military is in command. But with “Martial Rule”, these “masters planners” believe that they will still have the Constitution and have military command at the same time.
The Rex-84 program is essentially a massive detention center program where they plan to incarcerate all “seditionists” during a declared “National Emergency”. They will simply be declared felons and the government will attempt to enforce the law with several million Deputy U.S. Marshals.
Hidden in the bureaucratic maze Washington politicians call “our Constitutional system of government”, a little-known federal agency is quietly making plans to turn the United States into a dictatorship.
There are “stacks of blueprints” in the top-secret safe of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designed to convert American society into a “command system”, a former deputy administrator of the agency has told …the investigative team.
In a private interview, allowing him to remain anonymous, this highly placed source confirmed that the procedures developed by FEMA to “suspend” the Constitution and to round up thousands of dissenters nationwide can be activated by a single phone call from the White House.
“Even people who have become aware of FEMA’s existence and know something about its activities-not many do-think the word “Emergency” in its designation means it will go into action only in case of a natural disaster or perhaps a surprise nuclear attack”, related this expert.
“In reality, however, this outfit can be mobilized whenever the politicians occupying the White House decide they need special-and extra-Constitutional-powers to impose their will on the nation.”
…FEMA’s bureaucrats can then proceed to:
- Take over all farms, ranches or timberland in order to utilize them more effectively as decreed in Executive Order (EO) 11490, the so-called omnibus emergency preparedness decree promulgated by President Richard Nixon on October 28, 1969.
- Seize all sources of public power: electric, nuclear, petroleum, etc.
- Freeze all wages, prices and bank accounts.
- Take over all communications media.
Such totalitarian measures can be imposed by bureaucrats under FEMA’s direction, not just in the face of a cataclysmic upheaval, but “whenever necessary for assuring the continuity of the federal government in any national emergency type situation”, decreed a subsequent White House ukase, EO 11921, issued by President Gerald Ford in April 1976.
Can such a blueprint for tyranny be clamped on the United States by a force of faceless federal officials? It is the role of FEMA (prepared) for most intensively, says the former high agency administrator.
“In recent years, despite talk of spending cuts, FEMA’s budget has been steadily increasing,” revealed this knowledgeable source. “It now stands at somewhere around $3 billion annually. I say ‘somewhere’ because part of this agency’s funding is appropriated under so-called black programs, submitted to Congress with the defense budget without an explanation of its purpose, asking the secret CIA appropriation.”
The Plot Against Private Property!!
In the February 2 Issue of his newsletter, Remnant Review, GARY NORTH makes the provocative suggestion that our Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a manipulative maneuver of the Elitist Syndicate plotting world control via a central banking conspiracy. This is too long and too meaty an article for THE OSTRICH to offer more than a few nibbles.
The American Convention consolidated the 13 original states, sovereign under the Articles of Confederation, into a giant free trade zone. North speculates that the Constitution was a peaceful thesis to the violent antithesis of the French Revolution of the same period—”a Hegelian dialectic even before Hegel was born.” Both aimed at the same goal on the same timetable: completion by 2000. That goal was world political totalitarianism under a money monopoly.
North dates organization of the plotters from SIR ISAAC NEWTON‘S “capture” of England’s Royal Society, chartered in 1661, and the founding of the monopolistic Bank of England in the same period. He attributes success to conspirators’ sources in occultism (secret societies) and journalism. For more than three centuries, London has been the brain and control center of the conspiracy. The Bank of England is the model for a world-controlling money monopoly. North suggests that the United States is the model for its political aspect, the peaceful thesis for the violent antithesis (USSR) which has failed.
Given worldwide aspirations inspired by the idealism launching the American Experiment, this was a brilliant propaganda choice and is thus being sold for a United Europe, first step in the Syndicate’s One World. As in the United States, K was first peddled as a free trade union. Gradually, as THE OSTRICH has been reporting, the original sovereignty of our confederated states has been devoured with bribes, blackmail, and such outright theft as the Nixon Administration regionalism shown in the map below. A similar fate is predictable for European nations under the Syndicate’s consolidation planned for 1992.
Unless a re-united neutral Germany breaks from the conspiracy…. Unless Americans awake and their own non-violent “velvet” revolution outlaw fractional reserve and usury banking….
White House Directive, “Restructuring of Government Service Systems”, dated 27 March 1969 merged the fifty sovereign states into ten federal regions in violation of the prohibitions of Article IV, United States Constitution.

An examination of the type of government established under regional governance shows that it is a government of appointed rather than elected officials, a governance established in violation of the guarantees of Article X, United States Constitution. Under regional governance US citizens are to be held in bondage, in perpetuity, as producers and servers for a self-appointed Oligarchy.
Interlocking subversion in government departments can, of course, be successfully challenged by an informed electorate motivated to act. within the authority of the U.S. Constitution. (38)
FEMA can draw on the defense budget and on the protection of the secrecy reserved for national security projects because it came into being under President Jimmy Carter in a move that merged the civil defense and disaster relief responsibilities formerly shared by the Pentagon, the Commerce Department and the General Services Administration under a single powerful agency.
But FEMA’s real focus is not on disaster relief, knowledgeable sources say. An investigation of this little-known agency, conducted earlier this year (1992) by the General Accounting Office (GAO), the congressional watchdog unit, has found that less than 10 percent of FEMA’s staff – 230 bureaucrats out of an estimated 2,600 – are assigned full time to preparing for and dealing with major natural calamities such as storms or earthquakes.
What, then, is FEMA really up to? …an advance copy of the GAO report on this secretive agency… The study’s surprising findings have been reviewed with the help of well-placed confidential sources in order to bring into full view, for the first time, the federal bureaucracy’s secret blueprint for tyranny in America.
President Eisenhower’s warning about the “Military Industrial Complex” should hit home. The term “Military Security” has become a shield behind which the American people are being systematically drained and defraud… Unlimited spending for weapons programs has become the means by which contractors have virtually unobstructed access to public funds. When you have contractors being reimbursed for expenses without documentation you have a license to steal.
Evidence that we are becoming a “Military Welfare State” is found in Public Law 85-804, which holds that contractors who are “deemed essential” to national defense must be protected against bankruptcy. This legislative legerdemain means that American citizens (taxpayers) are REQUIRED to underwrite
Incompetence, Waste, and even Fraud.
The Pentagon has been given the power to subsidize suppliers who have broken their contractual obligations. National security has become the facade behind which the National Treasury is being brazenly raided…
The Conspiracy Of The New World Order World War 3 The Secret
Under the Constitution of the United States, the president is vested with the executive power of the government (Article II, Section I, clause I), the power to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” (Article II, Section I, clause 7) and the power to see that the laws are faithfully executed (Article II, Section 3).
From these powers is implied the authority to issue “executive orders” (EOs).
In use from the earliest days of the republic, the executive order was at first employed mainly for the disposition of the public domain, the withdrawal of lands from federal reservations and for other similar purposes.
During World War I the use of the executive order was widened, as executive authority and power increased.
In the early years executive orders were not numbered, and since there was no uniform system for recording them the total of the unnumbered orders is unknown.
The validity of executive orders has been questioned many times, but a ruling as to the extent or limit to which they may be used has never been determined by the courts or by Congress (Library of Congress, Legislative Research service No.398/117-9).
The “Federal Register” contains the text of directives issued under the authority of the president. No congressional authorization is required. There is no review by the judiciary.
All EOs are laws made by one man: the president of the United States.
Through existing EOs, it is possible for one man to ignore the Constitution, Congress and the will of the people. A complete DICTATORSHIP can be imposed, “under color of law,” on the American people.
On March 9, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt declared a state of “National Emergency” to deal with the banking crisis. Later, he declared two other national emergencies as he led the United States into World War II.
Another state of emergency was declared by President Harry Truman in 1950 after Red China’s intervention in the Korean War. Truman formally ended both the World War II emergencies in April of 1952, but expressly reaffirmed the 1950 declaration.
Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon also reaffirmed it as each took office. Nixon declared other national emergencies on March 23, 1970 and August 15, 1971.
A declaration by the president indicating a national emergency exists has always stopped short of Martial Law, although the president has that prerogative. Undoubtedly it would be exercised in the event of a major or nuclear attack on the United States.
The last use of Martial Law was in Hawaii a few hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
It is interesting to note that the tendency of martial law to perpetuate itself was demonstrated in that case. The military retained basic control of Hawaii until the Supreme Court in 1944 ruled that the continued use of martial law, long after the disaster conditions had ended, was un-Constitutional.
It is a frightening thought, but there are Executive Orders (EOs) on the books that made it possible for a president to ignore the Constitution and its cherished Bill of Rights, Congress, the judiciary and the very will of the American people.
It is a fact that a complete dictatorship can be imposed upon the people at nay time, simply by the president declaring a national emergency.
During the 1950s and 1960s, it was believed that the best way to bring about one-world government was by disarming the United States. Those who feared for America’s Constitutionally guaranteed liberties, and rightfully so, warned that America would be disarmed and would become easy prey for the ever-expanding military power of the Soviet Union and Red China.
They particularly opposed the powers of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, established to disarm America.
Now, however, with Eastern Europe shaking itself free from the shackles of communism and those peoples exercising their nationalistic yearnings, disarmament by both sides has become a necessity to cure social ills plaguing the U.S. and former Soviet bloc countries. With the apparent failure of the Red military machine, the general movement has been toward as easing of the arms race.
From the newfound “friendship” with Eastern Europe and in particular from the so-called multinational effort against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, President George Bush rarely gives a speech or holds a press conference in which he fails to mention his thoughts about a “New World Order.”
Now, however, a new method is needed to nullify America’s treasured Constitution, and the insidious EOs have gained a new and even more dangerous part to play in the plotting of the one worlders of the Trilateralist–Bilderberger ilk.
The biggest danger of such schemes as those proposed by Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas) is that any declared “national emergencies” would allow the president to activate repressive EOs signed by presidents going back to World War II.
Here are some of the EOs involved:
- EO 10995, which provides for the takeover of the communications media. In other words, forget about freedom of the press.
- EO 10997, which provides for the takeover of all electric power, petroleum, gas and other fuels and minerals.
- EO 10998, which provides for the takeover of all food resources and the nation’s farms.
- EO 10999, which provides for the takeover of all modes of transportation, control of highways, seaports, etc.
- EO 11000, which provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under government supervision. In other words, slave labor.
- EO 11001, which provides for government takeover of all health, education and welfare functions.
- EO 11002, designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons.
- EO 11003, which provides for the government to take over airports and aircraft.
- EO 11004, which provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations.
- EO 11005 which provides for the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
All of the above orders were combined by President Richard Nixon into the notorious EO 11490… which allows all of these insidious things to take place if a national emergency is declared.
Here are some direct quotes from the 40-page Nixon EO:
“Develop plans and procedures for the Department of Defense utilization of non-industrial facilities in the event of an emergency in order to reduce requirements for new construction and to provide facilities in a minimum period of time…”
In other words, The confiscation of private property.
“Develop plans and procedures for the provision of logistical support to members of foreign forces, their employees and dependents as may be present in the United States under terms of bilateral or multilateral agreements which authorize such support in the event of a national
In other words, prepare for the billeting of foreign troops in your home contrary to the Third Amendment.
“Develop emergency plans for the control for alien enemies and other aliens within the United States. The lo0cation, restraint or custody of aliens.”
“The Secretary of Labor shall have primary responsibility for preparing national emergency plans and developing preparedness programs covering civilian manpower resources.”
Preparation can be undertaken for forced labor.
“Provision for regulation of money and credit in accordance with the needs of the economy, including the acquisition decentralization and distribution of emergency supplies of currency; the collection of cash items and non-cash items; and the conduct of fiscal agency and foreign operations.
“Provision for the continued or resumed operation of banking, savings and loan, and farm credit institutions, including measures for the recreation of evidence of assets or liabilities destroyed or inaccessible.
“Regulation of the withdrawal of currency and the transfer of credits including deposit and share account balances.”
Then along come President Jimmy Carter and EO 12148, titled the Federal Emergency Management Act. All prior EOs having anything to do with emergency planning were incorporated into it. This EO gives the president absolute power during any “emergency” so declared by him.
From Carter’s machinations emerged a totally new bureaucracy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which assumed control of a chain of older “emergency agencies”, including the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration, the National Weather Service, the Federal Emergency Broadcast System and about a dozen others.
In an “emergency”, FEMA was, through EO 12148, to virtually take over the key functions of the national government by means of “senior representatives” and “liaison a-gents” now positioned in every major government agency.
Incredibly, FEMA even has the power to assume the duties of the president himself.
…Those who want to know the complete truth about its not-so-innocent nature only need to peruse Carter’s EO 12148, as it appeared on July 24, 1979, in the Federal Register, and as it was reprinted in the May 26, 1980 issue of The SPOTLIGHT.
Finally, President Ronald Reagan updated this EO in his last full year in office on November 18, 1988, leaving his successor, Bush, the tools to create a dictatorship, his “New World Order”. (20)
Then came up to the top of the top, the EO 11051:
“The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning authorized to put Executive Orders into effect in ‘times of increased international tension or financial crisis’. He is also to perform such additional functions as the President may direct.”
The Director…:
It is not specified civilian or elected; may concern anybody, even a close political friend… times of increased international tension or financial crisis: may be related to absolutely anything outside to continental United States, like a major crisis in the Middle East or in Yugoslavia or even in Russia…. May also concern a “Crash” created by a sudden “Coup” in Russia…
Finally, has been created the most unknown HR 4079:
“Forty-eight of your tax-paid congressmen sponsored the Newspeak-named ‘National Drug and Crime Emergency Act’ which could cost you more than $30 TRILLION and imprison 30 MILLION Americans. …here’s what that Constitution-scuttling measure could do:
- Declare a five year “Emergency” imposing martial rule. ?Impose testing for drug and alcohol use.
- Authorize mass expulsion of drug and alcohol users from public and private high schools and college and fire any workers using drugs.
- Accelerate confiscation of cars, boats, planes, other property of casual drug users.
- Set much higher mandatory sentences for drug and alcohol use. Previous maximum sentences would become minimum sentences.
- Allow revocation of probation, parole and suspended sentences.
- Reopen World War II Japanese ‘Relocation Centers’ as concentration camps.
- Activate military bases as prisons to ‘re-educate’ Americans.. Create a new private prison system.
- In effect, suspend the 4th Article in Amendment (the ‘Bill of Rights’) to our Constitution which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, and the 8th Article in Amendment which prohibits excessive fines, bail or punishment. Police would have legal right to break into any home WITHOUT a search warrant, arrest any person, and hold him WITHOUT CHARGE INDEFINITELY.
- In effect, ‘legalize’ slave labor by amending present law that restricts purchase of goods and services by prisoners.”
…”U.S. State Department Document no.7277 titled, ‘The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament‘ (written in 1950s)… THE GOVERNMENT NOW DENIES THAT THERE EVER WAS SUCH A DOCUMENT BUT I HAVE A COPY. IT DECLARES AS U.S. POLICY:
“The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their re-establishment in any form whatsoever, other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force.”
It further provides for:
“The establishment and effective operation of an international Disarmament Organization within the framework of the United Nations, to assure compliance at all times, with all disarmament obligations.”
The U.S. Constitution specifically mandates the Congress,
“To raise and support armies, …” and “To provide and maintain a navy.” Art. I, sec. 8, cl. 13. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that:
This Court has regularly and Uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty. Reid V. Covert, 354 U.S. 1 at p. 17. In the Reid case, the Court further held that EVEN A STATUTE, IN PLACE BEFORE A TREATY, TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER A TREATY.
…Gun control is disarmament of the individual and is the other half of the National disarmament program being pushed in this country by… politicians…”

Mass detention facilities-otherwise known as concentration camps-have been set up at a number of major U.S. military installations on the secret orders of Ex-President Reagan. The Executive orders which established these camps have been canceled because the camps are now in place. The White House issued a highly classified NATIONAL SECURITY DECISION DIRECTIVE (NSDD) which set forth urgent instructions which ‘activated’ ten huge prison camps at key defense command locations across America.
Two trustworthy sources, patriotic career Army officers, revealed that preparations were set in motion for an unprecedented roundup of ‘security suspects’ coast to coast.
According to these sources, one of the primary goals of the vast police operation, code named “REX-84”, is to apply “C&C (“capture and custody”) measures against political opponents, resisters, and outspoken critics whom our bureaucratic government considers “dangerous”.
Four of the principle civilian concentration camps established under the “REX-84” program are located at:
- Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas
- Ft. Drum, New York
- Ft. Indian Gap, Pennsylvania
- Camp A.P. Hill in Virginia
Each one of these camps is designed to hold at least 25,000 civilian prisoners.
Additional emergency custodial facilities are being readied at:
- Oakdale, California (reportedly for 15,000 detainees)
- Eglin Air Force Base in southern Florida
- Vandenberg AFB in California
- Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin
- Ft. Benning, Georgia
- Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
- finally at the southern Justice Department detention and interrogation center known as Camp Krome near Miami, Florida.
A major national task force of federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies-including the FBI, the CIA, U.S. Marshals, INS, Customs, Coast Guard, National Guard, and so forth-will join with local and state police in massive roundups to haul in lists of suspects who will fill these improvised stockades.
“The first roundup – and the publicly announced one – will be of illegal aliens and refugees”, according to a military source.
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“But under the secret provisions of “REX-84″ there will be also broad arrests of security suspects who can be held in these centers under this emergency order, whether they’re U.S. citizens or not.”
Americans whom the administration suspects of belonging to so -called “violence-prone” groups, or of “supporting” such groups-which may means only that a citizen subscribes to an anti-government/pro-freedom new letter – may find themselves hauled off with hordes of illegal immigrants.
Another category of anti-bureaucratic activists which may be bound for administrative detention under this directive is that “major, organized tax resisters”, one source close to the program said.
Not a single source interviewed could cite a Constitutional or legal precedent for such a staggering mass roundup of civilians by American authorities in “peacetime” if the president ordered a direct strike into central America, which was to be code named “OPERATION NIGHT TRAIN” (we have the document on it), that they would set up a concomitant domestic exercise or war games scenario calledREX-84, the main rationale of which was to round up 400,000 undocumented Central American aliens during a two week period of time. Incarcerate them in ten military detention camps. (Some of these camps are shown and documented in the movie COVER-UP which has been playing at theaters on the West Coast. It’s available for rent from CBA Bookstore, 3434 N. Pacific Highway, Medford, OR 97501) (24)
According to The Washington Report something called operation dragnet., is authorized under Title II of the Mc Carran Act. According to this act, the alleged president of the United States is authorized to suspend the Bill of Rights with a single telephone call, if either an invasion, a state of war, or, more probably, an “insurrection” is certified by the head of the current government, Operation Dragnetwill be initiated.
Currently a Univac computer located in a secret place somewhere near Washington contains at least 1,000,000 names and, with the signal, the computer will begin printing arrest warrants. Those whose names are stored in the computer will be picked up by the FBI, state and local police. 17 prison camps, known in WWII as “concentration camps” have already been constructed to hold the mass arrestees.
Three of these camps are being held in current readiness, two are on standby and the rest could be activated rapidly. (American Information Newsletter, 2408 Main St. Boise, ID 83702 Sept. 1993)
“Strategically placed across the country from Elmondorf, Alaska to Avon Park, Florida, three of these “detention centers” are now operational in a slightly different guise, two others are on a stand-by basis, and the rest are ready and available with a minimum of preparation-and all that’s needed to fill these camps with thousands of Americans is for somebody to launch “Operation Dragnet”.
“It will be swift and legal. The law is already on the books. They represent every shade of political and social opinion from Right to Left and include a big span of middle-of-the-road citizens who have never committed an offense more heinous than having subscribed to an unapproved periodical.
Its history is short and simple. On Sept. 22nd 18 years ago, Congress by a two-thirds vote made official Public Law 831. Now it is known as the Internal Security..
Pls share!! If you love USA pls share this important video! NWO – MARTIAL LAW and FEMA CAMPS Let’s Share… Share… this video if you LOVE USA and CANADA! must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, Share… share please. Help us.
Important: Before JUDGE, watch the whole video.
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