Deflation Shock Coming?-(VIDEO)
While the US is celebrating a (supposed) recovery, other big parts of the global financial system are behaving as if some sort of deflationary crash is just around the corner…. Read more »
While the US is celebrating a (supposed) recovery, other big parts of the global financial system are behaving as if some sort of deflationary crash is just around the corner…. Read more »
Even with the recent FED tapering, the fact is that ‘we’ are still borrowing many tens of $billions each month to maintain the illusion that our economic system is healthy…. Read more »
The 25 statistics that you are about to read are solid proof that the middle class in America is being systematically wiped out. Once upon a time, the United States… Read more »
20 cans of Tuna? Check 100 MREs? Check. 20 bushels of Corn? Check. 2 rolls of pre-1964 ‘Junk’ Silver dimes? Check. 400 rounds .22 LR? Check. 500 rounds .223 ammo?… Read more »
The Economic Collapse….people envision bank runs, life WROL (without rule of law), piles of worthless currency, rampant homelessness, and breathless news reports on CNN and the network channels (if you… Read more »