Family Wraps Home in Greenhouse to Warm up Stockholm Weather
The average temperature in Stockholm in January is -3°C (27°F). For Marie Granmar and Charles Sacilotto it can be much warmer thanks to the greenhouse that blankets their home.
The average temperature in Stockholm in January is -3°C (27°F). For Marie Granmar and Charles Sacilotto it can be much warmer thanks to the greenhouse that blankets their home.
Starting a new fruit or vegetable garden can be an exciting time, and it can be difficult to know where exactly to begin. Even experienced gardeners can find themselves overwhelmed… Read more »
Butter: you use it to make baked potatoes delicious. You smear it on your biscuits and you make finger-licking sauces with it. But what on Earth is going to happen… Read more »
Today’s article is as green as it gets, because it’s about DIY-ing greenhouses. How do you build a greenhouse, you ask? The easy answer is: you build a house and you… Read more »
We use cellars because they maintain a more constant temperature than structures that are built above-ground. We use greenhouses to extend the growing season because they hold in heat. Well… Read more »
Self Sufficient Greenhouse Greenhouse Gardening [Part 1] With skyrocketing prices at the grocery store and an unstable economy, it’s no surprise people are turning back to the ways of their… Read more »
Preserved Foods To Survive Winter Especially if you live in an area where the weather will be bad, you’ll need to stockpile enough food to get you and your family… Read more »
Sustainable Living: Innovative Ways To Grow Your Own Food! The word, Hydroponic, comes from Latin and means working water. Simply put, it is the art of growing plants without soil…. Read more »