Bible prophecy clearly reveals that in the last days prior to the rapture of the church, four powerful kings will race onto the world stage with two objectives.
- To conquer the world, and to reign as global dictators. These dictators will strip you of your freedoms. They will take your civil liberties, and you will become property and slaves of the state.
- To conquer Israel and destroy the Jewish people. Their desire is to control the city of Jerusalem and prepare for the anointing of the false Messiah.
Israel is currently surrounded by nations that are screaming for their blood. Anti-Semitism is raging through Europe and the United States, often celebrated in liberal universities among our young people. Jews are being targeted around the world for assassination, and their synagogues are being vandalized as worshippers are being killed. It is a sickening sight to be sure!
This massive prophetic, geopolitical drama is unraveling across the front pages of your news feed each day. The Gog/Magog War mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 has begun!
This war is the beginning of a series of wars that will engulf the world in what many will call World War III. The Bible calls it Armageddon. You don’t need to be a geopolitical expert to know that our world is coming apart at the seams. We are racing toward the end of the world as we know it.
Revelation 13 describes the beast rising out of the sea.
In prophetic terms, “the sea” means the nations of the world. John is telling us that he is looking at the nations of the world. John is pulling back the curtain of time to reveal the pending apocalypse. This is something that was foretold over 2,000 years ago and is now coming true in our lifetime!
The four kings mentioned in Revelation are, right now, taking center stage for the first time in world history.
The King of the North is Russia. Although the name Russia doesn’t appear in Scripture, the geographic location is given in the Bible to pinpoint accuracy. I have given you all of the details for this final showdown, walking you through both history and Scripture in my latest book “Earth’s Last Empire.”
Vladimir Putin is currently trying to rebuild the Russian Empire. With it, he thinks he can conquer the world. They have certainly started working on this with their far- reaching military encampments.
The King of the South is Egypt and the Arab Islamic forces. Keep in mind that all directions given in the Bible are with regard to the city of Jerusalem. In God’s mind, Jerusalem is the epicenter of the universe. When Ezekiel speaks of Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya, he’s speaking of the Arab Islamic nations.
The King of the East is China, a military superpower that neither fears nor respects the U.S. The Bible’s word for “east” simply means “sun rising.” This lets us know that it is describing China. This king, as described in Revelation, will lead a massive march of an army numbering over 200 million soldiers.
The King of the East is distinguished by his number, color, and flag. The three frogs or three demonic spirits that seduce him will get them to come to the Battle of Armageddon. Armageddon is the mother of all wars.
It will be fought on the sacred soil of Israel for global supremacy between the King of the West and the King of the East. The pending prize is the throne of the earth, to rule and reign.
The King of the West is America and the United Kingdom. This king will be led by the antichrist, who will force every person to receive his mark on their right hand or forehead. Those who do not comply will be decapitated.
The target of the King of the West is Israel. He will set up his image and proclaim that he is god in the city of Jerusalem. The antichrist will demand that the world worship him. His false prophet will call fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice laid upon the altar, emulating the Prophet Elijah on Mt. Carmel.
These kings who are currently jockeying for position throughout the globe will come face-to-face with the King of kings and Lord of lords in all of His glory. Our God is the Creator of the Universe and promised to rule and reign for all eternity! He has all power in heaven and on earth. He holds the seven seas in the palm of His hand and He calls the stars by name. Who is greater than our God? Absolutely no one!
As a believer in Jesus, all you need to know is… OUR SAVIOR WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY ANY ARMY OR ANY KING.
Only HE can dictate the future of Jerusalem. And only HE can forgive you of your sin and save you for all eternity.
While this is a very real picture of the future of our world, as described throughout the Scripture, those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior are going to be raptured. We live with the confidence that in HIS Kingdom, there shall be no end. Are you ready?
The world is uneasy with the United States’ election of Donald Trump as its forty-fifth president. One could not help but marvel at his ascendency to the presidency after publicly breaking every norm and social mores that polite society holds dear. The name “Donald” means world ruler, and no he is not the antichrist, but he is a man of destiny.
“The Four Horses of the Apocalypse” are beasts of a different nature…bringing the most vile, graphic form of justice the human mind can fathom throughout the book of Revelation. The four horses of the Apocalypse are the white horse, the red horse, the black horse and the pale horse. But what does each horse signify, and how will each affect us?
John the Revelator is living on the tiny Island of Patmos, with waves pounding and seagulls flying overhead. He is 86 years of age as he writes the last book of the Bible, the revelation of Jesus Christ. In Chapter 6, John introduces the four horses of the Apocalypse.
The white horse carries a rider who conquers the earth, greedily running rough shod over all who stand in his way with his out-of-control lust for power. He is a great deceiver, a dictator, and a living devil.
The rider on the white horse is the Anti-Christ. He is a man, not a machine. He is Satan’s demonic messiah (Daniel 8:24). Some have said that the rider on the white horse is Jesus Christ. That is not so. The Greek text in Revelations 6 reveals that the crown worn by the rider on the white horse is called “stephanos,” a crown of victory worn by a military conqueror. The Greek word for the crown that Christ wears in Revelation 19 is “diadema” or a crown of royalty. The rider on the white horse in Revelation 6 is the great deceiver, not Jesus!
He is the Anti-Christ, the chief son of Satan who will come promising world peace, but will bring a global blood bath. He will force every person to take his number or mark in their right hand or on their forehead. If you refuse, you will have your head cut off. The Bible calls him the lawless one. He will set up his image in Jerusalem and demand that the world worship him or face certain death in the most brutal fashion.
The rider on the white horse rode through the Garden of Eden and deceived Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. God’s angels threw them out of the Garden with a flaming sword. In obedience, they would have found everlasting life. In defiance, they found death and destruction.
The rider on the white horse is riding through America. Deception defines our nation today. Have you ever seen anything like it in your life? We have just signed the most idiotic nuclear deal with Iran, where they are supposed to be trusted to govern themselves.
Wake up! These long-range missiles are for US, not Israel! Hello Congress! Stand with Israel and vote NO to this ridiculous deal!
The second horse is the red horse of war, described in Revelation 6:4, “Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.”
The red horse brings death (in which ¼ of the earth will be slaughtered) and global, nuclear war. This nuclear deal with Iran gives you a pretty good picture of what Revelation is talking about. Einstein predicted that in a full-scale nuclear exchange, 1/3 of the earth’s population would die. That is roughly 110 million people in America today. Think that’s an exaggeration? Keep reading.
Revelation 9:14-15 tells us, “saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind.”
The global population today is around six billion people. So think of about two billion people dying in one single day! God Almighty is telling us that this is exactly what’s going to happen in the future! I believe that this Iran Nuclear Deal has opened the gates of death and hell for exactly this to happen.
The third horse is the black horse of famine, which brings with it a global food shortage. This horse is as black as tar. You can hear his hooves pounding, his flanks heaving. You can see his nostrils flaring, as his great rage focuses on the human race.
He comes to bring global famine. Super markets will be stripped bare. Civil riots will break out over the lack of food! People will begin to know the aching, clawing sensation of true hunger. And it could happen across America and the nations of the world very soon.
The rider on the black horse holds up a balance and scale, declaring how much one simple meal will cost…the sum of one day’s wages. There will not be enough to share with family or friends. Just one meal for one day’s wages. Starving people in the coming global famine of the Great Tribulation will kill each other in order to eat.

The Anti-Christ will have complete control over all of the food on planet earth. The oil and wine discussed in the book of Revelation are food for the wealthy, also controlled by the Anti-Christ. These rulers and their subordinates will stock their shelves with choice products from the state-owned supermarket; but the masses will starve to death, exactly like what happened in the Holocaust as Hitler and his Nazi regime had the finest of everything…and the Jews literally died of starvation in the concentration camps just a few feet away.
The shadow of the coming black horse is hovering over America! Listen to my sermon series on this, as I give you very in-depth research on how much U.S. farm land has been purchased by shadow corporations hiding their true identities. China has purchased 2% or more of the following states’ farm land: Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Maine, Michigan. And this is just the tip of the ice berg. I don’t have time to go into detail in this article, but listen to the sermon series and it gives you a much better picture of how quickly we could sink into worldwide famine.
The fourth horse is the pale horse of death. The Greek word for this horse is “chloros,” which means green. The CIA Fact Book (1999) states that green is the traditional color of Islam.
Revelation 6:8 says, “So, I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.” Islam now controls ¼ of the earth.
This nuclear deal that Congress is considering signing with Iran will guarantee war in the Middle East that WILL come to America. It is time for the righteous to stand up and ask God for mercy!
Even now we can hear the thunderous hooves of the four horses storming across the stage of human history, bringing deception, wars, hunger and death on a scale so massive it staggers the mind! The Bible makes it perfectly clear that God’s judgment is certain. And it IS coming! Acts 17:31 tells us, “…because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”
God judged Noah’s generation that mocked the message of salvation by sending a flood. He drowned every last human on planet earth. He is the ultimate judge and He will have the very last word…no matter what Congress rules or the UN decides. King Jesus will rule and reign with ultimate authority. The day is coming, my friends. Be sure of that!
God judged Egypt for its abuse of the Jewish people, plunging a powerful and rich civilization into poverty. God judged Sodom and Gomorrah for its ungodly and sexually perverse lifestyle. And God is going to judge America for the millions of innocent children we have murdered in our abortion mills under the banner of being “pro-choice” (Proverbs 6:16-17). He will judge us for every ungodly decision we have promoted throughout these United States.
There is cause for alarm, but not for fear. If you are a Child of the Living God…your hope and faith is in him.
The word “Apocalypse” is a Greek word that means to remove the veil, to uncover or make clear. The purpose of the book of Revelation is to remove the veil and make clear what God’s plans are for the future of this world. God is saying to the church, “I am the God that knows the end from the beginning, and I am in total control!”
When you see Russia (the king of the north) and China (the king of the east) and Iran along with the Islamic nations (the kings of the south)…when you see Europe and America (the kings of the west)…on the world stage at the same time, GET READY! The Anti-Christ is coming to produce a one world government, a one world religion and a one world currency.
While there is great cause for alarm, we do not fear the future. Revelation is a drama of triumph for the Church! It’s not a horror story. It’s the story of the Church of Jesus Christ overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil! It’s the story of the Church triumphant overcoming death, hell and the grave! It’s the story of the rapture of the Church…right out of the living hell now being created by a godless society.
Satan is a defeated foe! Jesus Christ is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He is the Mighty One of Israel. He is the once and soon-coming King! Are you ready, Church? Our time is growing short! While no man knows the day nor the hour…all of the major players are walking onto the world stage. I believe that we are literally watching Bible prophecy unfold before our very eyes.
And I will make it as clear as I can. Get your house in order. Make practical preparations for famine. Collect bottled water and canned goods. Pray with and for your family members. Make sure they have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. While we do not live in fear, we must be prepared. Our time grows shorter with every waking hour.
Don’t wait another second to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life or to share with your lost friend, neighbor or loved one the great plan of eternal salvation. We have no time to waste!

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