The Military Occupation Of Ferguson, Missouri Is Just A Preview Of What Is Coming To America

Military Occupation Of Ferguson Let’s be honest – Ferguson, Missouri is under military occupation right now, and the entire world is watching in horror as militarized police fire tear gas… Read more »

Obama Wants To Disarm American Christians, While He Gives Arms To Muslims To Slaughter Christians In The Middle East

Obama Wants To Disarm American Christians If Christians have no arms, they are left to the slaughter, an open field ready to be tilled and plunged into the harrowing depths… Read more »

Martial Law and the Economy: Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?

Martial Law and the Economy Reports are that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in a massive, covert military buildup. An article in the Associated Press in February… Read more »

ALERT! President Obama Signs Executive Order to Microchip All Credit Cards

President is signing an Executive Order Today, the President is signing a new Executive Order directing the government to lead by example in securing transactions and sensitive data. While there… Read more »