While Obama Snoozes, Russia Is Preparing For Nuclear War With The United States

Russia Is Preparing For Nuclear Did you know that two Russian bombers practiced launching cruise missiles at the United States from a spot in the North Atlantic just the other… Read more »

If Anything Rattles This Ponzi Scheme, Life in America Will Radically Change Overnight!

8 trillion dollars a year just to keep up with the game The U.S. Government Is Borrowing About 8 Trillion Dollars A Year, and you are about to see the… Read more »

Gerald Celente -Why A Survival Plan Is A Good Idea And Some Reserve Food Tips

Gerald Celente with Chris Waltzek of Goldseek discuss the economy and the crash , terrorism, and the preparedness mentality : The message of this story is, during these volatile times,… Read more »

WILL ISIS STRIKE AMERICA’S ACHILLES HEEL?-America’s exceedingly vulnerable electric grid

WILL ISIS STRIKE AMERICA’S vulnerable electric grid. According to the indispensable government watchdog group Judicial Watch, the U.S. government has evidence that the jihadist Islamic State (IS) is present in… Read more »

The Geopolitics of World War III-The real reason Russia and Syria are being targeted right now

The Geopolitics of World War III Contrary to popular belief, the conduct of nations on the international stage is almost never driven by moral considerations, but rather by a shadowy… Read more »

Economists Caution: Prepare for ‘Massive Wealth Destruction’

Prepare for ‘Massive Wealth Destruction’ Take immediate steps to protect your wealth . . . NOW! That’s exactly what many well-respected economists, billionaires, and noted authors are telling you to… Read more »

Retirement Crisis in the History of the World -The next big crisis? Jim Rickards on financial panics

Retirement Crisis in the History of the World – Ever wondered when the next financial crisis will be? Possibly in just a couple of years with the “coming collapse of… Read more »