Those That Are Not Preparing For The Coming Economic Depression Are Going To Bitterly Regret It

Those That Are Not Preparing For The Coming Economic Depression The next great economic crisis is rapidly approaching, and most people are going to be totally blindsided by it.  Even though… Read more »

5 days before the Financial Collapse

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5 days before the Financial Collapse Here is the scenario.  “Government agencies are having difficulty making their payments.  State governments are issuing vouchers to pay their bills.  US Social Security is… Read more »

Who Is Behind The Oil War, And How Low Will The Price Of Crude Go In 2015?

Who Is Behind The Oil War, And How Low Will The Price Who is to blame for the staggering collapse of the price of oil?  Is it the Saudis?  Is… Read more »

Staggering Security Holes In Power, Water, and Oil Grid Infrastructure; 40% of Utility Companies Expect to Be Attacked in the Next 12 Months

Staggering Security Holes In Power, Water, and Oil Grid Infrastructure IT security firm Mcafee’s recent protection report In the Dark: Crucial Industries Confront Cyberattacks [PDF] highlights the ever growing threat of… Read more »