All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers

All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers Why would the government want to punish people that are just trying to work hard, become more self-sufficient and take… Read more »

Are You Prepared In Case of a Terrorist Attack?

Are You Prepared In Case of a Terrorist Attack? The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have left many concerned about the possibility of future attacks on U.S. soil. There’s… Read more »

David Wilkerson Economic Collapse then A Russian Invasion

David Wilkerson Economic Collapse then A Russian Invasion David Wilkerson had a series of visions and angelic visitations from the lord during his life time until his death in 2011,… Read more »

BE WARNED! The Economy Is Going To Collapse Again. There Is Absolutely No Question

BE WARNED! The Economy Is Going To Collapse Again. “Be warned! The economy is going to collapse again. There is absolutely no question, there is no doubt, it is guaranteed,… Read more »

5 reasons why you should count on a generator when T-SHTF.

5 reasons why you should count on a generator Generators are great for short term power outages.  They are relatively cheap and can be sourced from most home improvement stores…. Read more »