Building your own gun for SHTF-Bullet shortage? No problem: Make your own

Building your own gun for SHTF In prepping there are few things more important than protecting the lives of yourself and your loved ones. It’s your duty to ensure their… Read more »

Bosnia War Survivor Warns of Things to Come in Collapse of America

Bosnia War Survivor Warns of Things to Come in Collapse of America I have seen the story below on multiple forums and posts. I have spent some time trying to… Read more »

WW3 Red Alert — FBI’s Cold War Preparation for Nuclear Attack and Martial Law

WW3 Red Alert  The United States government made extreme, top-secret plans for preserving national security in the event of a nuclear attack during the Cold War, according to documents recently… Read more »


YELLOWSTONE SUPERVOLCANO ON VERGE OF ERUPTION ’1000 mile swath of the U.S. may be destroyed within 2 weeks from an extinction level event’, says park geologist WYOMING (INTELLIHUB) — As… Read more »

No Financial Crash until the Nuclear War

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No Financial Crash until the Nuclear War In addition to his expert knowledge of US geography, Joel Skousen is a political scientist with remarkably astute clarity regarding the geo-political climate… Read more »

Life or Death Choices: 35 Excuses That Will Doom The Non-Prepper

Life or Death Choices: 35 Excuses That Will Doom The Non-Prepper As of today it is estimated that ONLY 1% of the population actually goes to much of any effort to… Read more »

Intelligence Insider Warns of Catastrophic Collapse: “The Tempo of Events is Faster Than Expected”

Intelligence Insider Warns of Catastrophic Collapse As more and more information about the state of global affairs becomes available one can’t help but realize that life as we have come… Read more »