Preparations for a Riot Near Your Home

Preparations for a Riot Near Your Home Here is the dynamics in play across the world. Growing populations around the world, competing for global resources Shrinking arable farming land and… Read more »

Five Levels of Food Redundancy

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Five Levels of Food Redundancy This continues my series on five levels of redundancy.   The basis of survival are food and water, shelter, safety (self-defense), medical, and communication.  Water and… Read more »

Congressman Urges Protection for Power Grid: EMP Attack “Could Bring Our Civilization to a Cold, Dark Halt”

Congressman Urges Protection for Power Grid: EMP Attack “Could Bring Our Civilization to a Cold, Dark Halt” When it comes to an EMP attack, the question remains “when” not “if”… Read more »

While Obama Guts The U.S. Military, Russia Prepares For War

While Obama Guts The U.S. Military, Russia Prepares For War The Russian military and the U.S. military are going in two very different directions.  Military spending in Russia is increasing… Read more »

How to Survive The Collapse of Civilization

How to Survive The Collapse of Civilization Total social breakdown. Major cities gone. The complete collapse of civilization. How will you survive in a land with no government or local… Read more »

Mark Levin Confirms That Obama Is Secretly Creating a Nationalized Police Force (VIDEO)

Mark Levin Confirms  Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin is fed up with the constant attacks against police. Recently, he went after Barack Obama and Eric Holder for their recent criticism of officers…. Read more »

Time to Discuss Nuclear Treason

Time to Discuss Nuclear Treason Nuclear Crimes beyond imagination have been committed by a Foreign Power inside America with the assistance of some Members of Congress and High USG Officials… Read more »