What Do You Prep For: The Zombie Apocalypse: “Assume The Just In Time Infrastructure That Supplies Our Society Breaks Down”

What Do You Prep For: The Zombie Apocalypse If you’ve not read the previous articles in this series you definitely want to before reading this article. We’ve covered the common requirements for any sort… Read more »

March to Martial Law? Undercover Special Forces to Sweep US Southwest

March to Martial Law? Undercover Special Forces to Sweep US Southwest As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops… Read more »

Nothing Can Stop It: “An Economic Collapse that is Going to be Worse than 1929″ *Video*

Nothing Can Stop It: “An Economic Collapse that is Going to be Worse than 1929″ *Video* Before anybody in America ever cared about AIG, credit markets or bailouts, Karl Denninger… Read more »

25 Must Know Skills For Surviving The Coming Nightmare

25 Must Know Skills For Surviving The Coming Nightmare The following article was generously shared with the SHTFplan community by regular contributor ‘Be Informed’ and provides skills that will be… Read more »


Gerald Celente: “COLLAPSE: IT’S COMING! ARE YOU READY?” Trend forecaster Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal advises subscribers of his quarterly newsletter that the collapse is on it’s way and… Read more »