An asteroid or meteor will hit the earth on September 24, 2015 – you have been warned!!!

An asteroid or meteor will hit the earth on September 24, 2015 The chaplain on the Alaska pipeline of the 70’s made friends with many of the ruling elite. He… Read more »

10 Primary Threats to the Power Grid (and how you can prepare for the worst)

10 Primary Threats to the Power Grid (and how you can prepare for the worst) It’s winter again and it makes me chuckle inside when I see people that are taken… Read more »

Prophetic Warning: Billions of People will Die Soon and Will Die Horribly

Prophetic Warning: Billions of People will Die Soon and Will Die Horribly The purpose of this essay is to present facts and very conservative estimates which will convince the reader… Read more »

NBC Predicts: All Americans Will Receive A Microchip Implant In 2017 Per Obamacare!

NBC Predicts: All Americans Will Receive A Microchip Implant In 2017 Per Obamacare! Is NBC predicting RFID implanted in Americans in 2017 or are they the mouthpiece for the beast?… Read more »