The World Is Going To End OnSeptember 2015 And This Is Why

The World Is Going To End On  September 2015 And This Is Why Wall Street analysts have pondered the mystery of what appears to be seven-year economic cycles. They’ve also… Read more »

Underground Tunnels, Mystery Booms and Military Movement Ahead of Jade Helm 15 ( VIDEO)

Underground Tunnels, Mystery Booms and Military Movement Ahead of Jade Helm 15 Photo of United States Air Force tunnel boring machine at Little Skull Mountain, Nevada, USA, December 1982. There… Read more »

BALTIMORE RIOTS – Maryland Governor Activates 5,000 National Guard Troops. Martial Law Coming?

 National Guard Troops. Martial Law Coming? “No justice! No justice!” He yelled to those in attendence, prompting them to yell “No peace!” Thousands attended Monday’s service for Gray, the 25-years-old… Read more »