One World Economic Order – Elite Agenda to be Completed in 2015?

One World Economic Order – Elite Agenda to be Completed in 2015? Despite constant reassurances from federal overseers, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the economy’s frail nature. While media… Read more »

Gerald Celente on Bilderberg-Banksters 2015, Financial collapse and World War III

Gerald Celente on Bilderberg-Banksters 2015, Financial collapse and World War III Alex Jones Show, the Obama administration is intensifying its attack against the Second Amendment with new and unprecedented State… Read more »

Greece Deal Falls Apart – The IMF will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS

Greece Deal Falls Apart – The IMF will cause a chain reaction of CHAOS  Déjà vu it seems as negotiations fail quickly as Greece is unable to present an offer… Read more »

How To Prepare Yourself Before Dollar Collapses

How To Prepare Yourself Before Dollar Collapses Preparing for an economic collapse Twenty years ago, most people would have said you were crazy for thinking our system could collapse. Even… Read more »