Strategic Relocation – North American Guide to Safe Places (Full Length Feature Film)

Strategic Relocation – North American Guide to Safe Places (Full Length Feature Film) Alex Jones, founder of alternative news networks Infowars and Prison Planet, presents a full-length documentary/presentation with Joel… Read more »

WARNING! GLOBAL ANARCHY END OF DOLLAR 2015 CIA Insider Project Prophecy 2 0

WARNING! GLOBAL ANARCHY END OF DOLLAR 2015 CIA Insider Project Prophecy 2 0 Does This Signal the End of the Dollar? Dollar Value Today An alarming pattern has caused many in the… Read more »

Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015

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Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015 In case you haven’t noticed, the world is slowing down. More specifically, the worlds consumption and production. What amazes me is how you wouldn’t… Read more »

Earth will only have 12-hour warning to deal with massive Sun explosion

Earth will only have 12-hour warning to deal with massive Sun explosion The “Space Weather Preparedness Strategy” outlines the disturbances that could be caused by unpredictable solar weather. The most… Read more »

ISAAC NEWTON’S September 23, 2015 Prophecy; September 24, 2015- “100% Probability ” Of Asteroid

ISAAC NEWTON’S SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 PROPHECY; SEPTEMBER 24, 2015- “100% PROBABILITY” OF ASTEROID Crossings and Chaos. Tomorrowland movie trailer alludes to 100% probability of asteroid strike. Isaac Newton made STUNNING… Read more »

Tips That Will Help You Prepare For The Coming Economic Depression

Tips That Will Help You Prepare For The Coming Economic Depression What do we need to do in order to prepare for the coming economic collapse? Are there practical steps… Read more »