Former Adviser To Ex UK Prime Minister Warns Public To Start Prepping

Former Adviser To Ex UK Prime Minister Warns Public To Start Prepping How to Prepare for an Economic Collapse How do you prepare yourself and your family for the prospect… Read more »

September 23- 2015 – The End Is Only The Begining-Bible Signs Of the End Times

September 23- 2015 -The End Is Only The Begining-Bible Signs Of the End Times When Noah and Lot warned their respective people of God’s coming judgment and destruction, the people… Read more »

“Armageddon” – 2015 – 2016 End of Days, Tribulations, 4 Blood Moons, World War 3

“Armageddon” – 2015 – 2016 End of Days, Tribulations, 4 Blood Moons, World War 3 The word Armageddon appears only once in the Greek New Testament, namely in Revelation 16:16…. Read more »

Living Off Grid –Refined Home Crafted From 2 Shipping Containers On NorCal Farm

Living Off Grid –Refined home crafted from 2 shipping containers on NorCal farm In the late nineties, Alexis and Eric Koefoed moved onto a Northern California farm that had been… Read more »

Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 8/31/15: Blame the Federal Reserve, Not China, for Stock Market Crash

Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 8/31/15: Blame the Federal Reserve, Not China, for Stock Market Crash Following Monday’s historic stock market downturn, many politicians and so-called economic experts rushed to… Read more »

Five Levels Of Preparations For SHTF, WROL, And Teotwawki

Five Levels Of Preparations For SHTF, WROL, And Teotwawki Level 0 (zero):  Every emergency is a disaster Less than two weeks of food in the house No water purification system… Read more »

It Is Time To Kick Prepping Into Overdrive, Because This Stock Market Crash Is Just The Beginning

It Is Time To Kick Prepping Into Overdrive, Because This Stock Market Crash Is Just The Beginning If you have not been preparing for what is coming, you need to… Read more »