20 Things You’ll Need For Survival When The Economy Collapses!

20 Things You’ll Need For Survival When The Economy Collapses! When the economic collapse and the next great depression begind ! Today, millions of Americans say that they believe that… Read more »

September 23, 2015. False flag nuclear attack in US ?-So what do you think?

September 23, 2015. False flag nuclear attack in US ?-So what do you think? Over the past 48 hours or so, we’ve seen what certainly appears to be visual confirmation… Read more »

EMP Nightmare: How Iran or North Korea Could Destroy America with a Single Bomb

EMP Nightmare: How Iran or North Korea Could Destroy America with a Single Bomb “We have asked you in the past and your present time to pray for the conversion… Read more »

Here Are 10 Things Non-Preppers Will Be Forced To Face When TSHTF. (#8 Is REALLY Going To Hit Them Hard!)

Here Are 10 Things Non-Preppers Will Be Forced To Face When TSHTF. (#8 Is REALLY Going To Hit Them Hard!) It’s finally happened… The worst has occurred. The grid has… Read more »

Preparations for a Riot Near Your Home

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Preparations for a Riot Near Your Home Here is the dynamics in play across the world. Growing populations around the world, competing for global resources Shrinking arable farming land and… Read more »

As The Collapse Approaches The US Government Pushes The Gun Control Agenda

As The Collapse Approaches The US Government Pushes The Gun Control Agenda One of my considerations offered to all preppers is about ammunition storage.  During a SHTF, WROL, or TEOTWAWKI event, ammo is… Read more »