Leaked Pentagon Report Says 90% Of People Killed By U.S. Drone Strikes Are NOT Intended Target!

Leaked Pentagon Report Says 90% Of People Killed By U.S. Drone Strikes Are NOT Intended Target! From his first days as commander in chief, the drone has been President Barack… Read more »

Keeping Your Family Safe During a Terrorist Attack

Keeping Your Family Safe During a Terrorist Attack A series of studies conducted by researchers at the National Center for Disaster Preparedness show that while 72% of Americans anticipate future… Read more »

Hyperinflationary Depression – No Way of Avoiding Financial Armageddon

Hyperinflationary Depression – No Way of Avoiding Financial Armageddon If you’ve never heard of or read a report from John Williams, then today is your (un)lucky day. Mr. Williams’, founder… Read more »

Economic Collapse 2015: Things To Be Taken Care Of To Avoid ‘Financial Ruin’

Economic Collapse 2015: Things To Be Taken Care Of To Avoid ‘Financial Ruin’ Preparing for the Economic Collapse of 2015 If some economists are to be believed, 2015 will be… Read more »

Elite Banking Plans for Worldwide Riots & Economic Collapse Coming Soon

Elite Banking Plans for Worldwide Riots & Economic Collapse Coming Soon The entire globe is now descending into an economic collapse that will be far worse than anyone alive has ever… Read more »