80% of Americans Will Face No Jobs, Poverty And No Economic Recovery

80% of Americans Will Face No Jobs, Poverty And No Economic Recovery From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, David… Read more »

Future Disaster is Coming -Top 10 Tips to Prepare

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Future Disaster is Coming –Top 10 Tips to Prepare We live in turbulent times. This month marks the 10th anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina disaster which killed 1,833 people and… Read more »

Secret Underground Bases Revealed – Iran Shows Off Its Huge Underground Bases & Missiles

Secret Underground Bases Revealed – Iran Shows Off Its Huge Underground Bases & Missiles At first glance it looks like the set of a James Bond movie — a seemingly… Read more »

Un Prepared To Govern Us Under Martial Law Firing Squads Gun Control And Fema Camps

Un Prepared To Govern Us Under Martial Law Firing Squads Gun Control And Fema Camps God will allow the Antichrist to usher in the nwo be very watchful of false… Read more »