Turn Undrinkable Water Into Pure, Crystal-Clear Distilled Water With a Home-Built Solar still.

Turn Undrinkable Water Into Pure, Crystal-Clear Distilled Water With a Home-Built Solar still. Make Your Own Distilled Water Make your own distilled water from stream or lake water, salt water,… Read more »

Economic Meltdown Oct-Dec 2015–Strategic Relocation and How To Survive The Economic Collapse

Economic Meltdown Oct-Dec 2015–Strategic Relocation and How To Survive The Economic Collapse Prepare for the coming chaos!!! How do you prepare yourself and your family for the prospect of an… Read more »

14 Things You Must Do TODAY to Survive the Coming Economic Collapse

14 Things You Must Do TODAY to Survive the Coming Economic Collapse Yesterday, The Common Sense Show issued a breaking news alert as to the possible use of multiple IED… Read more »

The Majority Of You Will Die In A Food Supply Collapse

The Majority Of You Will Die In A Food Supply Collapse That’s right. And if you think about it – as in, critical thinking, – you will (should) realize the… Read more »

Selecting and Preparing Your Vehicle-Vehicle Survival Kit

Selecting and Preparing Your Vehicle-Vehicle Survival Kit I travel a lot.   Too much for my wife’s preference.  But that is what pays my bills.  My job has me flying and… Read more »