“All The Prepping In The World Is Immaterial If You Don’t Survive Long Enough For Your Supplies & Planning To Matter”

(Pictured: Krakow, Poland Circa 1941. German SS supervises Jews being loaded into cattle boxcars. Few fought back and chose instead to be taken to their doom.) “All The Prepping In The… Read more »

Elite Hiding in Bunkers to Escape War with China: “Intended Survivors Are Moving Underground”

Elite Hiding in Bunkers to Escape War with China: “Intended Survivors Are Moving Underground” Editor’s Comment: There’s no way to tell how far conflicts with the other superpowers of the… Read more »

Who Is Going To Be In Your Bunker? “What’s In Their Soul? Are They Empathetic?”

Who Is Going To Be In Your Bunker? “What’s In Their Soul? Are They Empathetic?” The question may be even more important than how much food and ammo you have… Read more »

FUTURE SHOCK 2016-2020: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 1

FUTURE SHOCK 2016-2020: Your Life Is About To Change! Part 1 Get ready…your world is about to be turned UPSIDE DOWN! The corrupt, criminal regime currently occupying Washington D.C. is… Read more »

Is America completely unprepared for a power grid cyber attack? Preparing to survive a cyber attack

Is America completely unprepared for a power grid cyber attack? Preparing to survive a cyber attack We’re aware of the risk of hacks that result in theft and espionage, but… Read more »