Emergency Supplies Famine Foods , That Is Coming Breakdown Of Society And Mass Food Shortages

Emergency Supplies Famine Foods Economic collapse can lead to a breakdown of society and mass food shortages. Severe drought or weather, natural disaster, or a man-made catastrophe like an EMP… Read more »

Welcome to the New World Order -The Cooking of Humanity – EMR Weapons: As Powerful as the Atomic Bomb

Welcome to the New World Order –  Mind control Mind control “programming sites” are something more for conspiracy theory talk than reality. There’s enough technology to do that without special… Read more »

The Shocking Prophecy for America by Elder St. Paisius the Athonite

Prophecy for America “Those who are sensitive and have philotimo, and who observe everything with precision, are usually wronged by the insensitive ones due to the constant concessions they make… Read more »

America Continues Under “National Emergency” International Tension or Economic or Financial Crisis.

America Continues Under “National Emergency” The Executive Order Of ALL Executive Orders According to the United States Constitution, Article 1, only Congress shall make Federal Laws. However, since the “War… Read more »