Although the planet has not even been confirmed by scientists, some believe that there is an elusive planet in our solar system which has a huge orbit and such a strong magnetic pull that it can effect life on Earth.
Researchers dealing with the issue of Planet X or as it is called the planet Nibiru, said that this mysterious planet is inexorably approaching the Earth and from September to January 2020 on our planet due to the impact of Nibiru, there will be a catastrophic and irreversible changes.
Please, Stephen Hawking, and Michio Kaku and the others of you that publicize doomsday scenarios !
Stephen Hawking often talks about natural events that could make humans extinct. Asteroid impacts. Supernovae. Gamma ray bursts. Climate change. Or human caused, nuclear war. He has an agenda here, because he wants us to go into space. He thinks the future of humanity is in space, and he thinks this is how we can escape from disasters that could make Earth uninhabitable. But you don’t have to motivate humans in space in this way. You can motivate it just as well as a way to move heavy industry into space, to protect Earth from asteroids, for knowledge, for resources from the Moon and asteroids, for the search for biology based on different principles from DNA, for adventure and tourism, in many other ways.
Stephen Hawking says that US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement could lead to irreversible climate change. Prof Hawking said the action could put Earth onto a path that turns it into a hothouse planet like Venus. He also feared aggression was “inbuilt” in humans and that our best hope of survival was to live on other planets.
The Cambridge professor spoke exclusively to BBC News to coincide with his 75th birthday celebrations.
Arguably the world’s most famous scientist, Prof Hawking has had motor neurone disease for most of his adult life. It has impaired his movement and ability to speak.
Yet through it all, he emerged as one of the greatest minds of our time. His theories on black holes and the origin of the Universe have transformed our understanding of the cosmos.
By calculations of experts already on the Ground is a significant influence of Nibiru on our planet by 1 degree per day, and 14th OCTOBER 2020 this figure will reach 30 degrees.
The approach of planet X will cause a pole shift of the earth that will lead to catastrophic melting of glaciers and the incredible magnitude of the rise in global sea level. Huge waves with a height of over 100 meters, fall on the continents and destroy everything alive.
The earth will be shaken by a mega-earthquake the magnitude of which will exceed 11 points on the Richter scale, and on the surface of the planet will rage giant storms and hurricane-force winds of great power. Volcanoes of the planet will begin eruption – all at once, including the famous super volcano Yellowstone. The warm Gulf stream will stop and the Earth will begin a terrible ice age.
Skywatch Media News says that Planet X is bound for Earth after completing half of its 3,600-year elliptical orbit.
It says that the magnetic force of Planet X is so strong that it can effect anything within 48.6 astronomical units (AU) of it – one AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.
With the planet having completed the first half of its elliptical orbit, it is heading back towards Earth and its strong magnetic pull is causing problems already.
Thousands of conspiracy theorists have been going wild with rumours about the world ending.
An outrageous theory about a rogue Planet X, known as Nibiru, claims that the colossal planet will pass earth to start the apocalypse.
The main purveyor of the doomsday prophecy is Christian numerologist David Meade who published his theories in his book, Planet X – The 2020 Arrival.
The author has spectacularly claimed that Nibiru’s approach will match an astrological constellation from the biblical Book of Revelation.
But on the eve of the apocalypse, Mr Meade has come out to claim that actually, the world is not about to end.
Nibiru is a proposed large planet that conspiracy theorists have predicted will crash into and destroy Earth. Many prognostications had the cataclysm occurring in 2012, to coincide with the supposed “Mayan apocalypse.”
“The world is not ending, but the world as we know it is ending,” he told The Washington Post. “A major part of the world will not be the same of October.”
There is evidence of an ongoing resurgence of the Planet X (also known as Nibiru) cataclysm conspiracy theory following the publication of new scientific studies in 2017 claiming evidence of a mysterious unnamed planet lurking beyond Pluto. …
The approach of the mysterious Planet X is currently sending waves of charged “plasmatic energy particles” through our solar system. The flow of energy will finally disrupt the “core flows” of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.
According to 4 major biblical prophets something truly terrifying is coming our way, and it will hit homeland before the 1st of January 2021…

We have been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X since 1996 in the form of increased seismic and volcanic activities, freak weather patterns, and natural disasters.
NASA, the Pentagon, and the CIA are aware of the approaching rogue planet. The Vatican has also been briefed, but the public is being kept in the dark about the impending apocalypse. But despite efforts to keep the information secret, there have been leaks. … many conspiracy theorists insist that that NASA’s “Planet X” is Nibiru.
It says that the magnetic force of Planet X is so strong that it can effect anything within 48.6 astronomical units (AU) of it – one AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun.
With the planet having completed the first half of its elliptical orbit, it is heading back towards Earth and its strong magnetic pull is causing problems already.
“In the area of Mexico there have been a lot of earthquakes, a lot of them are happening right now.
“We have a 5.5, a 5.4, I mean it is getting stranger, not so long ago they were hit by a 7.1.
“Now this is happening also around the globe – 5.7s 5.5s, look at this a 5.8.
“Everywhere now there are earthquakes that are building up around the Earth.
“I’ve been tracking this and watching the earthquake activity – here we have got a 5.7 over in the Solomon Islands.
“It is absolutely getting a lot more stranger by the day.
“I’m keeping track of this, it is really important to study everything, everything is starting to build up now.
Hyped up predictions of past non-event disasters are most common, like the recent predicted May 28th San Andreas earthquake purposely timed with the opening of the film of the same name, or the 2012 Mayan calendar doomsday non-event, or the 5/5/2000 ice age that never cometh, and who can forget theY2K fiasco, and on and on so it goes.
The effects of such a large celestial body as Nibiru/Planet X estimated to be from 4 up to 8 times the size of the earth reentering our solar system is generating off-the-chart internet frenzy in 2018, convinced it will cause enormous amounts of huge sized space debris from an asteroid belt, potential comets (one recently cited to be two and half miles wide) and countless meteors plummeting violently to the earth. It’s believed that the impact of such giant objects crashing into the earth will push the reset button for another axis tilt, likely causing yet another mass extinction and radically altering global climate zones, raising sea levels dramatically to reshape coastlines worldwide, decreasing land mass and increasing oceanic water surface. In addition to tilting the earth’s axis, it’s speculated that Nibiru’s gravitational upset and electromagnetic fireworks on our planet will set off mammoth cracks in the tectonic plates resulting in never before seen killer quakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tidal waves, hurricanes, record winds, massive flooding and tornados.
We see that Nibiru’s black magnetic shell represents a protective region with such dense magnetism that it permits no light, visible or invisible, to pass through it, except for the intense radiation from the core. The core, at the centre of which resides Nibiru itself, appears to be a self-contained area that, relative to the absolute coldness of the shell, must be very hot or radioactive (meaning high luminous or light activity). Indeed, it is so radioactive that it is emitting very powerful radiation beams or gamma ray bursts from both poles, which are acting as relief valves to eject any excess radiation being generated within the core. Typically, only some of the universe’s most powerful entities or events detected by modern science, such as supernovas, neutron stars, pulsars, quasars, black stars (so-called ‘black holes’) and even entire galaxies, are known to emit gamma ray bursts. Nibiru’s GRBs are still minuscule in comparison with those of these humongous stellar objects, but the fact that it emits them at all is extraordinary!
As for the outer magnetic field, it is now close enough for the left edge of it (from Earth’s POV) to completely overtake Saturn. It reached the planet on about 1 December 2019, causing super-massive storms to rage across its atmosphere and forcing the solar system’s second largest planet to tilt away from normal by almost 90° !
NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted a massive, nearly invisible ring around Saturn. The ring’s orbit is tilted 27 degrees from the planet’s main ring plane. The bulk of it starts about 3.7 million miles (6 million km) away from the planet and extends outward another 7.4 million miles (12 million km). This is not actually a completely new ring like Nasa thinks. It was formed from dust and debris pulled by the approaching Nibiru’s magnetic force from the original rings of Saturn. Saturn’s own magnetism kept the dust particles in an orbit around it and thus forming a ‘new’ ring.
The formidable magnetism of Nibiru has indeed tilted Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system, by up to 90° away from its natural inclination.
Another thing we’ve observed is that the tilt of Saturn is noticeably more pronounced in some earlier images more than later ones. This may be because Nibiru’s magnetism pulses, both increasing and receding in steady cadence like waves hitting a beach, and like waves some are stronger (causing a more severe tilt) than others (causing a slighter tilt).
The Pioneer Anomaly
Pioneer 10’s trajectory from Saturn orbit to Uranus orbit and the point when it encountered a mysterious force – dubbed the Pioneer anomaly by baffled Nasa scientists – that gently pushed against it in the opposite direction back towards the Sun and effectively decelerating its forward momentum. Pioneer was travelling towards the right of Nibiru at this point when the massive object was 66.8 (58.8 + 8) AU from the Sun. This tells us two things: (1) that Nibiru’s outer magnetic force (drawn as a dark red circle in the image above) is so strong it can affect objects 46.8 AU from Nibiru (Pioneer’s approx distance from it at the time), way beyond the central and certainly much stronger magnetic field (the purple circle) that we’ve calculated spans about 16 AU with a reach or radius of only 8 AU; and (2) that Nibiru’s magnetism rotates in a clockwise fashion, because that is the only way it could push Pioneer back when the deep space probe was flying to the right of it. If it rotated anticlockwise and the Pioneer 10 was travelling in the same direction it would push the probe slightly forward and to the right of its trajectory – so the effect would have been the opposite as the probe would seen to be slightly accelerating, not decelerating, in its drift.
It is interesting that the Pioneer case reveals that Nibiru has a much larger magnetic field or magnetic affect than the one that extends 8 AU from its centre. The hurricane/cyclone analogy will serve useful here to better understand what we’re seeing here. A hurricane or cyclone has four basic components: the eye, the inner eye wall, the outer eye wall and the peripheral rainbands.
We can now see why this Nibiru object has been disturbing the Earth and the rest of the solar system for a long time now. It is because its outer ‘rainbands’ have been hitting us again and again in gradual ever stronger series of waves as it floods the Sun’s magnetic field (the solar system) with its own. The two magnetic fields directly oppose each other and have reverse polarities, with Nibiru’s spinning in a clockwise fashion as opposed to the Sun’s counter-clockwise rotation.
The computer-generated image below gives us a good schematic visual of how Nibiru’s clockwise-rotating magnetic field should look like if we could see it in detail. Like a cyclone, Nibiru’s strongest magnetic ‘winds’ are on its right-hand side (from our perspective). Unfortunately for us, Nibiru is approaching us from the left-hand side (of the Sun, from our perspective). This means we will be encountering the strongest magnetic whirls from Nibiru, because we will be in the right-hand side of its core as it approaches us.
Another effect Nibiru would have is that it will slow down Earth’s counter-clockwise orbit round the Sun. We will be hit by the strong right-hand side, which is also the ‘pushing’ side. Like it did to Pioneer 10, this side will try to push us in the opposite direction of our orbit. The Sun’s opposing magnetism will largely prevent that, being stronger than Nibiru’s, so the overall effect of the magnetic push is to slow us down more and more as the object gets closer and closer.
NASA have announced that the Earth may be about to experience a pole shift, leaving it unable to defend itself against solar radiation for up to 200 years, which would have devastating consequences for humans.
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