food storage

Do you need food storage?

A food storage program is essential to provide for ourselves and our family members in an emergency. The biggest motivator most adults have is to avoid hearing a hungry child cry. Even the most “macho” man is distraught if he cannot provide food or beverage to prevent a child from suffering.

I would like to discuss about food storage.Start by taking an inventory—take a physical count of all of your reserves. This would be a great family home evening project if you’re prepared. We need to know where we are. Every family should have an inventory. Now that you know where you are and where you need to be, the third step is to work out a time schedule for when you will reach your goal. I suggest that one year from today we ought to have a year’s supply of food in all homes.

Food storage is viewed as a part of emergency preparedness. It is also a part of the program of a gardener to preserve and store away some of the fruits of his or her labor.
Whatever the reason a person has for storing food beyond immediate needs, planning must be done to avoid waste.
There are a number of approaches to building a food storage program. Only two will be outlined, which can be adapted to fit individual needs. A major reason for not having food storage is the expense. A simple way to avoid a large cash outlay is to merely purchase double the items on the grocery list with each shopping excursion. The extra items are then marked with the purchase date and put into storage to be rotated out and replaced on the next shopping trip.
Keep in mind, however, that there is a limit to the length of time that even these semi-perishable or dehydrated items can be stored.
A disadvantage of the double purchase system is that it is not as easy to benefit from sales prices. One advantage is that items are only purchased that are routinely used in menu planning, thereby reducing waste and improving rotation.
Another approach to beginning a food storage program is to use a lump sum of money such as a tax refund or a bonus check to purchase a large amount of basics for your family.
The pamphlet “Essentials of Food Storage” has suggested that basics should include wheat, sugar or honey, salt and nonfat dried milk. While it is true that these items do store well, it is important that the family will use what they
store. This list could be modified to include grain products such as wheat and white flour, pasta products, rolled oats, rice, dried beans, split peas, lentils and other dehydrated fruits and vegetables. Cracked or whole wheat products do not store well because the membranes are broken that keep the oil in the wheat germ away from the iron and
other minerals in the endosperm and the bran layer. Rancidity occurs at a rapid rate. Rolled
oats are heat treated which destroys the lipase enzyme and therefore will store quite well.
When establishing a food storage program do not forget:

1. Store only those items you will use. If you do not currently include a food in your diet
it is not likely that you will use it.
2. Do not purchase more than you will rotate and use within a 2 to 3 year period of time to reduce waste.
3. Insure that the quality of the item you purchase is acceptable. Quality does not improve upon storage for most foods.
Planning before you begin a food storage program will help to avoid pitfalls.

What are some of your reasons for storing extra food?

Severe Weather events: A major snow or ice storm, floods tearing out roads, hurricane damage, etc. will leave people isolated until rescue or repair efforts are successful. This can take days, weeks or longer. Power and utilities are often damaged while roadways and distribution hinders emergency response and supply of food and goods. How To Really Prepare For Long Term Collapse

Earthquakes: Building and infrastructure damage can be severe and widespread, bringing an entire region into shutdown. Especially vulnerable are the west (San Andreas and many other faults), northwest (Cascadia subduction zone), and the New Madrid region in the central US.
Food Quality: Year after year, the food industry continues to modify foods to yield more food that looks better at the supermarket; meanwhile, proper nutrition all but disappears. Plus, imported food from countries with no safety standards for insecticides, fertilizers, bacterial and chemical contamination have entered our country’s foods and have proven to be very dangerous. eFoods supplies safe, nutritious, long-term food you can trust.

Saving Time: Prepping food takes a lot of time. Plus, there are so many dishes and messes made in the process! With eFoods, you’ll get pre-packaged meals that only need hot water to become delicious meals. They’re perfect for those days you’re in a time crunch! Simple Lost Way Book Authentic Frontier Recipes

Self-Reliance: If you’re like many Americans, you have the spirit of independence aflame in your heart. Don’t you think this independence should translate over to food preparation as well? Can you imagine being forced to go to your parents, neighbors, or government to provide food for you when you’re in a pinch? Besides, depending on the situation, these sources might not even have the means to help in the first place!
Currency Devaluation: Prices skyrocket instantly on all products and services. Read something about Germany’s inflation after WW1, or look at Argentina or Venezuela. All Fiat currencies throughout history have eventually ended at zero. Ours will be no different.

Financial Meltdown: An economic collapse could lead to a domino effect bringing down the entire system. When the SHTF, food will become a valuable commodity.

Nuclear Meltdown or ‘Exchange’: Be it via one or more nuclear plants (sabotage, cyber-attack, earthquake or tsunami damage), or via a nuclear weapons ‘exchange’ – the risks exist, and there are madmen in this world.

Regional Social Chaos: Rioting, Looting on a grand scale. It will be dangerous to go out during these times. The trigger event could be nearly anything. We’ve seen it in the news, and it will happen again somewhere.

Terrorist Attack: An attack if bad enough will close down some or all public movements. It may also shock the markets into financial turmoil – creating price increases and supply or distribution problems.

Collapse of Government: It has happened throughout history. Overthrow. Default. Other reasons. When the gov’t EBT cards stop working, it’s game-over.

EMP: An electro-magentic-pulse, either man-made (EMP nuke) or a natural event (massive solar flare and CME). It could destroy the electric power grid, anything electronic. We will be sent back to the stone age and most will not survive it. This video explains the steps one should take to prepare for the potential of an emp attack. A great beginner’s guide for what you can do.

War; World War: Prices go up as the uncertainties of war pressure the markets. The price of oil puts price pressure on everything, including food, and it will probably skyrocket.

Power Outages: You never know when a power outage will happen. Usually power is restored within minutes or hours, but depending on the situation, it could take days, weeks, or even longer to restore power. In times like these, those who are unprepared may be out in hordes stealing from local food stores. Make sure you’re prepared with enough food and water to feed the family without having to leave the safety of your own home.

What to Always Keep in Your Pantry

These items have lengthy expiration dates, so you can stash them away for long periods of time. Make a list of everything in your stockpile and check expiration dates every 6 to 12 months to keep things fresh. And don’t forget to have a can opener on hand at all times—all that food won’t be of any use if you can’t open it.

Since the human body is about 65 percent water we must consider it as an important nutrient. Rubner, a German physiologist, found that during starvation an animal can live if it loses nearly all the glycogen and fat, as well as half the body protein, but a loss of 20 percent of the water in the body results in death. One can live without food for over a month, but without water only a few days.
Sources of water for our bodies come from l) fluid foods in the diet, 2) solid foods in the diet, and 3) water produced in the body resulting from metabolism of energy nutrients.
Water is lost from the body by way of the kidneys (urine), skin (perspiration), lungs (expired air), intestinal tract (feces), and eyes (tears). (See Table 1.)
A reasonable recommendation for water consumption per day would be a tablespoon for each 15 calories of food. A 2,200 calorie diet would require about 10 cups or 2 ½ quarts per day/person.
Water may be stored effectively by one of two methods: 1) individual containers of 1 – 2 gallon size; or 2) large immovable reservoirs of 50-100 gallon size. The advantage of small individual containers is the ease with which they can be transported. Large reservoirs, although immovable, may be connected to a potable water system so that circulation of fresh water is continuous.

For longer-term needs, and where permitted, gradually build a supply of food that will last a long time and that you can use to stay alive, such as wheat, white rice, and beans. These items can last 30 years or more when properly packaged and stored in a cool, dry place. A portion of these items may be rotated in your three-month supply.
Properly packaged, low-moisture foods stored at room temperature or cooler (24°C/75°F or lower) remain nutritious and edible much longer than previously thought, according to findings of recent scientific studies. Estimated shelf life for many products has increased to 30 years or more (see chart below for new estimates of shelf life).

A Self Sustaining Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water

Previous estimates of longevity were based on “best-if-used-by” recommendations and experience. Though not studied, sugar, salt, baking soda (essential for soaking beans), and vitamin C in tablet form also store well long-term. Some basic foods do need more frequent rotation, such as vegetable oil every 1 to 2 years.

While there is a decline in nutritional quality and taste over time, depending on the original quality of food and how it was processed, packaged, and stored, the studies show that even after being stored long-term, the food will help sustain life in an emergency. OLD WEST COOKIN’:60 AUTHENTIC FRONTIER RECIPES – THE “REAL” OLD STUFF FROM THE OLD WEST

1# Peanut butter
A great source of energy, peanut butter is chock-full of healthful fats and protein. Unless the jar indicates otherwise, you don’t have to refrigerate after opening.

2# Whole-wheat crackers
Crackers are a good replacement for bread and make a fine substitute when making sandwiches. Due to their higher fat content, whole-wheat or whole-grain crackers have a shorter shelf life than their plain counterparts (check the box for expiration dates), but the extra fiber pays off when you’re particularly hungry. Consider vacuum-packing your crackers to prolong their freshness.

3# Nuts and trail mixes
Stock up on these high-energy foods—they’re healthful and convenient for snacking. Look for vacuum-packed containers, which prevent the nuts from oxidizing and losing their freshness.

4# Cereal
Choose multigrain cereals that are individually packaged so they don’t become stale after opening.
5# Granola bars and power bars
Healthy and filling, these portable snacks usually stay fresh for at least six months. Plus, they’re an excellent source of carbohydrates. “You can get more energy from carbohydrates without [eating] tons of food,” says Andress.

6# Dried fruits, such as apricots and raisins
In the absence of fresh fruit, these healthy snacks offer potassium and dietary fiber. “Dried fruits provide you with a significant amount of nutrients and calories,” says Swanson.

7# Canned tuna, salmon, chicken, or turkey
Generally lasting at least two years in the pantry, canned meats provide essential protein. Vacuum-packed pouches have a shorter shelf life but will last at least six months, says Diane Van, manager of the USDA meat and poultry hotline. THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL FOOD? 4 SIMPLE WAYS TO DRY AND SMOKE MEAT

8# Canned vegetables, such as green beans, carrots, and peas
When the real deal isn’t an option, canned varieties can provide you with essential nutrients.

9# Canned soups and chili
Soups and chili can be eaten straight out of the can and provide a variety of nutrients. Look for low-sodium options. HOW TO MAKE PEMMICAN – THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL FOOD

10# Sports drinks, such as Gatorade or Powerade
The electrolytes and carbohydrates in these drinks will help you rehydrate and replenish fluid when water is scarce.

11# Powdered milk
Almost all dairy products require refrigeration, so stock this substitute for an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D when fresh milk isn’t an option.

12# Sugar, salt, and pepper
If you have access to a propane or charcoal stove, you may be doing some cooking. A basic supply of seasonings and sweeteners will improve the flavor of your food, both fresh and packaged.

As you can clearly see, food storage will always be a smart idea. Even if you start out small, like with a simple Lost Way Book , you’re making a big difference for a time of emergency, which will inevitably bring you peace of mind. Be a hero to yourself and your family!

Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.

Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)

The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome  by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )

Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)

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