In America , The Coronavirus Pandemic Reaches A Tipping Point !!
Out of control in the United States, I am sorry to say that you are out of luck. In all of the major nations in the western world, the number of confirmed cases escalated dramatically over the past few days. Here in the U.S., COVID-19 has now reached 33 states, and the number of confirmed cases seems to literally be changing every few minutes as more announcements are made.
Over the weekend, we witnessed another wild round of panic buying as people feverishly stocked up for an extended pandemic, but at least Americans are not throwing punches at each other over toilet paper like we are witnessing elsewhere in the world. Needless to say, all of this insanity is badly rattling Wall Street. The markets are going absolutely nuts, and it looks like this could be a truly historic week.
Much more importantly, it looks like any hope of containing this virus is now completely dead. In fact, Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the Food and Drug Administration just told the entire nation that we are “past the point of containment” now. Once this virus gets into an area, it can spread like wildfire. If you doubt this, just look at what is happening in New York. Just a few days ago there was one confirmed case, and now there is 105. The following comes from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo…
UPDATE: There are 16 additional confirmed cases of #Coronavirus in NYS, bringing total to 105. Westchester: 82 New York City : 12 cases . Nassau: 5 cases . Rockland: 2 cases . Saratoga: 2 cases . Suffolk: 1 case . Ulster: 1 case. We’re testing aggressively & we are seeing the number of confirmed cases go up as expected. Cuomo also shocked many members of the media when he absolutely lambasted the CDC. The guidelines that the CDC imposed upon the states greatly suppressed the amount of testing up to this point, and Cuomo seems to be among those that believe that this was a huge mistake… The governor said that officials are working hard to identify new cases but have been greatly hindered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), saying it is ‘outrageous and ludicrous’ that the agency has not authorized private labs to conduct automated tests. ‘CDC, wake up. Let the states test. Let private labs test. Let’s increase as quickly possible our testing capacity so we identify the positive people, so we can isolate them,’ he said. It would be difficult to overstate the anger that many Americans are feeling toward the CDC right now. So far, South Korea has been able to test more than 140,000 of their citizens for COVID-19, but as of Saturday the CDC had tested fewer than 1,600… The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has tested 1,583 people for the coronavirus since the first cases were identified in the U.S.
Coronavirus panic buying brings long lines to Costco
Some Costcos have taken to limiting the amount of certain products that can be purchased at a time as stores struggle to keep inventory amid a wave of panic buying spurred by fears of the coronavirus outbreak spreading. Ellina Abovian reports for the KTLA 5 Morning News on March , 2020.
We has include how to quickly increase your Long Term Food Supply. We learned the hard way that a short term food supply was need when I lost my job two years agao and had to rely on our families preps when we were struggling with one income and larger bills.Discover how our grandfathers used to preserve food for long periods of time.
No need for survival rations or food that doesnt taste good. Eat all your favorites every day or in an apocalypse. We show you how to easily stockpile your own Food Insurance. Prepping on a budget is easy when done on a consistent basis. You dont need to be a doomsday prepper to be more self-reliant. Prepper, prepping and preparedness are all synonymous with self-reliance. Get your short term and long term food supply on track. It is better to have your emergency food supply ready if an emergency comes than trying to clamor to the store during a natural disaster or actual emergency. SHT & WROL situations are no joke.
In my house we keep a storage of food and water that will last two people a full year. It might sound “apocalyptical” but in all reality, all it means is we’re ready for whatever life has to throw at us. You can start your own food storage (even if it’s not a year’s worth) for as little as$5 – $10 a week. Want to see how?
Now I know many of you are saying to yourself, “A year’s worth of food, are they crazy?” and the long and the short of it is no. Over the last 13 years my husband and I have fought alongside of the ups and downs of the economy. We’ve moved more times than I can count, gone through job losses, natural disasters and city boiling orders. We’ve been sick and paychecks have been short and we’ve had to spend extra saved cash on things like medical bills or emergency home improvements.
By having a supply of food it means we can go without making trips to the store if we don’t need to. Plus, the more you focus on eating from your pantry, the more time you spend at home with family, enjoying home-cooked meals, and what can be better than that right?
Starting your own food storage stash isn’t difficult; in fact it’s as simple as picking up a few extra things each time you head to the store. No one is going to the store and coming back with 500 cans of black beans, so don’t worry about looking like the crazy person at the grocer — and if a year’s supply seems extreme, shoot for 3 months instead! Here are a few steps to guide you through the process:
1. Determine What You Eat
This sounds silly, but in your food stash, you don’t really want things you don’t eat. Just because one person wants 12 gallons of powdered orange drink doesn’t mean you need to acquire it if it’s not something your family uses.
Make a list of meals. Any meal. Obviously as new recipes come up you’ll want to add those things to the continual list, but make a list of things you eat and the ingredients that go into them. From there you can determine what you’ll actually be after the most when you hit the grocery stores.
2. Determine How Much You Need
Now that you know what you need to stock up on, how do you know how much your family will really consume. There are two options. One is specific and the other is a bit more general (it just depends on what kind of cook you are).
• Add It Up: Let’s say your family would like to eat lasagna once a month, for 12 months. Simply add up the ingredients in the recipe and add it to the list. Do the same for all other recipes to give you a master list of ingredients and combine where needed. It will look huge, that’s ok.
• Average It Out: There are websites geared to help you determine how much of what type of ingredients and supplies you need to have on hand for a specific number of months for survival. You probably won’t find ricotta cheese on the list (like the one above), but you will find the total number in pounds you need of beans, rice and meats. We like this one. Simply enter your family members up top and scroll down slightly to see the amounts you’ll need to shoot for acquiring.
3. So How Do I Do This For $10 A Month?
Although the task of acquiring a years worth of food seems insurmountable, the key is to start small. Each week you’ll pick up what you can (watching for sales never hurt anyone) and roll over any spare change (Even if it’s literal pennies) to the next week’s stash. One week you might pick up 3 cans of tuna, some rice, a few cans of olives and several bags of dry beans and although that doesn’t in itself make a meal, it does make good use of the $10. Here’s an example of what a first month could look like and although boring, the next month might bring variety and new things!
Watching for sales on dried pasta, beans and other basic pantry staples can be a huge help. Watch for these sales around the holidays (4th of July, Labor Day). If there isn’t anything spectacular on sale one week, it’s ok to save that week’s money until the next week if you know you have something large to buy (say meat for the freezer).
4. Do You Can?
So you picked up 200lbs of brown rice on a sweet deal, but how do you keep it from going bad? Dry pack canning or storing grains in large food safe barrels is the easiest method. Either works depending on where you’ll be storing your food. In smaller homes you might find dry milk packed under the bed or sofa while in a large home with a basement you’ll find large barrels back in the corner. Check here for more information about dry pack canning and here in our archives for wet canning at home (hello fresh garden tomatoes!).
5. Freeze It!
For those that have the space, freezing meals in either individual portions like what’s pictured here or in full pan size portions is a great way to have meals on hand using ingredients from your food storage. You’ll probably order out for pizza when all you see is a sea of wheat, but if you see lasagna you probably know exactly what’s in store for the nightly meal!
6. Don’t Forget To Date
When you bring home or pack up items for your food storage, it’s important to live by the philosophy of the first in is the first out. This will help you use up the oldest items in your food storage first. Just use a black permanent marker to make note of the date on top of the can. This will eliminate the question of “How long has this been in here?” and allow you to utilize all your food without waste.
7. Where Do You Keep It?
So you have a small apartment and don’t even have room to store your winter coat let alone a few months worth of extra food. You have a compact refrigerator and have one lone cabinet — so where do you keep it all? Well usually it’s time to get creative. In the past we’ve met people who keep things under furniture in additional closets throughout the home or potentially in a basement storage space in an apartment complex. Wherever you chose, just make sure the space is clean, dry and low in humidity if possible!
The Lost Ways 2 program is to reveal all the ancient techniques and secrets used by our forefathers to deal with harsh conditions such as diseases, wars, drought, and other life-threatening conditions.
In this program the author explains how to grow and store these foods for a long time in pit holes. Other than this, you will find a lot other valuable information explained in this guide on topics such as finances, health, and life crisis among others.
Basically the guide covers majorly on the super nutrient foods that can help you survive during times of food shortages. These foods have a longer lifespan which enabled our ancestors to store them even when they didn’t have access to refrigerators and other related technologies.
Inside this document you will discover how the pioneers from the Wild West hunted deer and how they tanned hides without chemicals and without spending a dime. You’ll also find out how to butcher a deer and what parts are best for certain preservation methods.
Lost Way 2 – second edition show you how to use the activated charcoal to build yourself a simple and reliable water filter that can clean 800 gallons of water.
When all the water is contaminated, and all you can find are muddy creeks and pools with diseases running rampant you’ll keep your loved ones drinking crystal-clear healthy water. Activated charcoal pills are very useful in treating acute food and chemical poisoning too.
Do not go around and tell everyone in the area where you live about your prepping. If you do, then you may find yourself overwhelmed with “visitors” when everything falls apart.And please do not go on television and brag about your prepping to a national audience.Prepping is something that you want to keep to yourself, unless you want hordes of desperate people banging on your door in the future.For much more on prepping, I would encourage you to check out the dozens of excellent websites out there that teach people advanced prepping techniques for free.So what do you think about all of this?Are you getting prepared for the coming economic depression?

Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.
Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)
The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )
Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)
The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)
LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)