There are hundreds of remarkably common herbs, flowers, berries and plants that serve all kinds of important medicinal and health purposes that might surprise you: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, insect repellent, antiseptic, expectorant, antibacterial, detoxification, fever reduction, antihistamine and pain relief. Here are potent medical plants you’re likely to find in the wild – or even backyard .
Herbal tonics, which are also sometimes referred to as medicinal or healing herbs, are special plants that offer extraordinary health benefits, work to bring the mind, body and spirit into greater balance and harmony and are safe to take daily in support of lifelong wellness.
The term ‘buchu’ was used by the Khoi and San people for any fragrant plant that they would dry and powder. The name, therefore, does not specific a single species but rather a larger group of fragrant herbs. Buchu is rich in natural essential oils and has a strong fragrance that has made it a popular win in the world of natural cosmetics, soaps and even food flavouring. This herb repels insects and is said to have powerful immunity properties when used in the form of tea.
Graviola (Annona muricata)

Graviola is a rainforest essential tonic herb known to be a potent antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antitumoral, anticancer powerhouse.
Annonaceous acetogenins are only found in the Annonaceae family (to which graviola belongs). These chemicals in general have been documented with antitumorous, antiparasitic, insecticidal, and antimicrobial activities.
Many studies have recently determined that these acetogenins are superb inhibitors of enzyme processes that are found only in the membranes of cancerous tumor cells. This is why they are toxic to cancer cells but have no toxicity to healthy cells.
Carpobrotus Edulis (Sour Figs)
The leaves of this succulent are good for a variety of skin issues, ranging from sunburn to rashes, cold sores, insect bites and bee stings. The leaves can also be chewed for sore throat relief. As a fast growing plant, this ground cover gets flowers in spring that start out yellow but slowly turn pink. It is found in large amounts in the Western Cape.
Sutherlandia Frutescens (Cancer Bush)
The famous Cancer Bush is often used in tea. The leaves are where most of the healing properties are found, but other parts of the plant can also be used. This herb is traditionally used for stomach problems as well as cancer (hence its name). It’s also a general topic that is used for colds, flu, chicken pox, varicose veins, diabetes, liver issues and pain. For years, a mixture made from the plant was used to treat wounds, fevers and other problems.
Moringa (Moringa oleifera)

Moringa is a miracle tree and healing tonic herb known to contain a megaload of antioxidants, minerals, protein, essential fiber, and cleansing properties. Also known for its power to supply sustainable energy, lower blood pressure, and aid in adrenal support, moringa acts as a coagulant, attaching itself to harmful material and toxins within the body and flushing them quite rapidly.
What is The Lost Book of Remedies? The Lost Book of Remedies PDF contains a series of medicinal and herbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs. Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remedies outlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taught herbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war two and that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures.
Cyclopia Genistoides (Honeybush Tea)
Almost as famous as Rooibos, honeybush tea is found in sandy soil from Darling to other regions. This tea has no caffeine, with only a small trace of tannin. Research done by the University of the Free State found that honeybush is high in antioxidants that help to provide a number of health benefits from longevity to glowing skin. Green honeybush is especially powerful. It is said to clear a number of skin issues such as eczema, as well as help to treat skin cancer, intestinal ailments, hormonal imbalances and high blood pressure. As a native Cape plant, this tea is also delicious, with a smoky taste that is similar to Rooibos.
Jergón sacha (Dracontium loretense)

Jergón sacha is a signature herbal tonic plant of the Amazon, containing some of the most potent antiviral chemistry found in nature. Indian tribes throughout the Amazon rainforest use the large tuber or rhizome of the jergón sacha plant as an antidote for the bite of these snakes. It has also been used for bites from spiders, stingrays, and other poisonous animals. It makes a potent antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anticancer tonic, and supports healing from radiation as well as genital diseases.
There are hundreds of Aloe species in South Africa. In the Western Cape, one of the important species is the Cape Aloe, which is the Aloe Ferox. This large Aloe can reach 10 feet, with red flowers growing a few feet above the leaves. Extracts can be used as a laxative and taken internally. Aloe Ferox pills or ‘tar’ is readily available at many chemists and health stores.

If you grew up in the Pacific Northwest you likely know what ferns are good for: treating stinging nettles. One of the world’s oldest plants, there are many varieties of ferns, but if you’re lucky enough to spy the soft, delicate lady fern, grab some and roll it up between your palms into a rough mash. The juices released will quickly ease stinging nettle burns and can also ease minor cuts, stings and burns (fresh salt water also works in a pinch for bee stings). Bracken fern are similar to lady fern and will work, as well. The rougher, glossier, stiff sword fern and deer fern won’t be as effective, though. (Learn about types of ferns.) Lady ferns actually grow all over North America but are common in areas with high rainfall.
Chanca Piedra (Phyllantus niruri)

Chanca piedra is referred to as the “stone-breaker” and is also known as the rainforest’s most potent liver and gall bladder detoxifier. It was named for its effective use by generations of Amazonian indigenous peoples in eliminating gallstones and kidney stones. It is a super herbal healign tonic with long-documented use to support treatment of hepatitis, colds and fus, tuberculosis, liver diseases and disorders, anemia, and liver cancer.

The brilliant blooms of the poppy make this opioid plant an iconic one. The plant is an effective nervine (anxiety reliever) and is safe for use on agitated children. Can be made into a a tea for quick relief of nervousness and tension. A stronger decoction will offer pain relief. (A decoction is made by “stewing” all safe plant parts, including stems and roots if possible, in water for several hours and, ideally, soaking overnight.)

The blood flower (also Mexican butterfly weed) is a type of tropical milkweed with toxic milky sap that is emetic (it makes you hurl). It’s also historically favored as a heart stimulant and worm expellent. Pretty useful for a number of potential hiking disasters, if you think about it. (Of course, if you’d quit eating those poisonous berries you probably wouldn’t need to worry about finding a natural expectorant.)
The premise is that many modern day medicines work on the basis that they treat the symptoms and not the cause, but contained within The Lost Book of Remedies are a number of tinctures and tonics made from plants and leaves that will treat the cause of the illness, thus eradicating the disease altogether.
The book is a direct copy of the little notebook carried around by the author’s grandfather when treating his patients. However, the illustrations of the plants have been updated to photographs so that they are easier for you to identify.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and vitamin C tonic root. It is a great daily remedy to keep inflammation at bay by alkalizing and soothing the digestive system and the liver. It This masterful herbal tonic for joints, muscles, soft tissue, and skin generates strength and elasticity and is a fantastic anti-aging root.
Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Tulsi is ayurveda’s holiest of healing herbs, an adaptogenic powerhouse known for its digestive healing abilities, cardiovascular protection, and potent anti-inflammatory nature. It lowers cholesterol levels, prevents hypoglycemia, eases stress by calming the nervous system, prevents migraines, and repairs skin damage (topically and internally). It is a great overall superherb.

If you’ve decided to backpack through Europe instead of the mountains of Mexico (but why?), you’ll want to know about a few helpful medicinal plants. Tansy is an old-world aster and remedy, used for flavoring beer and stews as well as repelling insects. Rubbing the leaves on the skin provides an effective bug repellent, but tansy can also be used to treat worms. It is said to be poisonous when extracted, but a few leaves are not harmful if ingested.

Who doesn’t want to be minty fresh? Most of the various types of “mint” or mentha – spearmint, Korean mint, applemint, regular old mint – offer reported health benefits and medicinal properties. (Avoid pennyroyal, as it’s poisonous.) Mint is famous for soothing headaches, fighting nausea, calming the stomach and reducing nervousness and fatigue. Korean mint, also called Indian mint and hyssop, is a fairly effective antiviral, making it useful for fighting colds and the flu. Whatever continent you’re on, some type of mint is usually to be found. Eat whole, garnish food or make tea to get the all purpose health benefits.

Alfalfa is fodder for livestock for a reason: it’s incredibly rich in minerals and health-promoting nutrients and compounds. With roots that grow 20 to 30 feet deep, alfalfa is considered the “father of all plants”. (It also contains a high amount of protein for a green.) Alfalfa originally grew in the Mediterranean and Middle East but has now spread to most of Europe and the Americans. It can treat morning sickness, nausea, kidney stones, kidney pain and urinary discomfort. It is a powerful diuretic and has a bit of stimulant power, helping to energize after a bout with illness. It’s a liver and bowel cleanser and long-term can help reduce cholesterol. You can purchase seeds and sprouts, but it’s fine to eat the leaves straight from the earth.
- Medicinal Garden
- With your seeds kit, you’ll also receive a FREE Medicinal Guide that shows you how to turn these 10 plants into tinctures, ointments, salves, poultices, decoctions, infusions, essential oils —all in minute detail so you can follow our guide even if you’ve never made an herbal medicine in your life.
Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Nettle is an excellent daily remedy for overall longevity known for its anti-inflammatory, bone-building, blood-nourishing, testosterone-building, silica-gifting superherb qualities. The leaves and the seeds are also used in nerve repair and as a central nervous system regulator. The roots are usually used for testosterone- and prostate-building qualities, yet it’s also a great energizer that all can benefit from—not just men. It’s a wonderful healing herbal tonic tea to have, and it can be combined with other herbal tonics to enhance its qualities.
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

Research on the chemistry and therapeutic benefits of mushrooms like reishi have been extensive for centuries. Reishi is an immune modulator capable of restoring the immune system and is often used for therapies before and after cancer. The polysaccharides present within the mushrooms are extraordinary cancer-fighting compounds. This amazing Chinese tonic herb mushroom is known as a supreme lung and cardio tonic, supportive in lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
10. Chaga (Inonotus obliquus)

Chaga is the master herbal tonic for the immune system. It supports the elimination of tumors, cancerous cells, autoimmune diseases, and environmental traumas (such as radiation, pollution, heavy metals, etc.)

Images via UCCThe cannabis of the cat kingdom. Famous for making cats deliriously crazy, catnip has health properties that are great for humans, too. Catnip can relieve cold symptoms (helpful if you’re on a camping trip and don’t have access to Nyquil). It’s useful in breaking a fever as it promotes sweating. Catnip also helps stop excessive bleeding and swelling when applied rather than ingested. This mint plant (yep, another one) is also reportedly helpful in treating gas, stomach aches, and migraines. Catnip can stimulate uterine contractions, so it should not be consumed by pregnant women. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere.

Sage is an incredibly useful herb, widely considered to be perhaps the most valuable herb. It is anti-flammatory, anti-oxidant, and antifungal. In fact, according to the noted resource World’s Healthiest Foods, “Its reputation as a panacea is even represented in its scientific name, Salvia officinalis, derived from the Latin word, salvere, which means ‘to be saved’.” It was used as a preservative for meat before the advent of refrigeration (eminently useful: you never know when you’ll be forced to hunt in the wild). Sage aids digestion, relieves cramps, reduces diarrhea, dries up phlegm, fights colds, reduces inflammation and swelling, acts as a salve for cuts and burns, and kills bacteria. Sage apparently even brings color back to gray hair. A definite concern when lost in the woods.
Sangre de Drago (Croton lechleri)

Sangre de drago is claimed to be the best wound healer in nature. It is a tree known to bleed a miracle resin when you slice of some of the bark. This thick red resin is known to act as a potent internal and external bandage with intensive antibiotic support. Also known for its powerful antiseptic qualities, this healing tonic herb has a potent antiviral and antimicrobial ability. Many have also used it as an anticancerous support as well as for healing from radiation.
Cat’s Claw (Unicaria tomentosa)

Cat’s claw is known as the master immune booster of the Amazon. It is one of the oldest tonic herbs with recorded history in the rainforest, noted for its immune-modulating power and anticancer, antirheumatic, and anti-arthritic properties.
14. Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

A superior tonic remedy, ginseng has been regarded for centuries as the king of medicinal tonic herbs. In Chinese medicine, not only is it regarded an adaptogen and energizer, it’s also used to calm the spirit, eliminate anxious and stressed qi (energy), open the heart, and strengthen the mind. Asian and American ginseng have both been used to strengthen the heart, spleen, lungs, liver, and kidneys.
15. Spirulina (Anthrospira platensis)

Known as the world’s highest source of complete protein (around 65% by weight), spirulina, or blue-green algae, provides a vast array of trace elements and macrominerals. Blue-green algae is a wild-grown superfood tonic that also contains plenty of phytonutrients and enzymes.
16. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

Horsetail is one of the most ancient tonic plants in nature. Known for its excellent ability to heal bones, bone marrow, and wounds in general thanks to its high silica content, it contains high amounts of calcium as well as silica in minerals that specialize in repairing connective tissue, bone alignment and healing, and skin repair. It is also used for the kidneys, eyes, and hair, and for immune regulation.
17. Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)

Rhodiola is a magical herbal tonic root known to strengthen the nervous system, fight depression, enhance immunity and memory, aid weight loss, increase sexual function, and improve energy levels. It has been effectively used to prevent depression and to support post-traumatic stress disorder. It enhances the transport of serotonin precursors, tryptophan, and 5-hydroxytryptophan into the brain.
18. Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana)

Mangosteen is queen of the tropical fruits. Not only is it a delicious fruit, but the peel of the mangosteen is perhaps one of the most loaded vitamin C sources ever known. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants known for their anti-aging and longevity attributes.
It is also a master herbal healing tonic for the endocrine and immune systems, is known to support healing of wounds and damaged nerves, and can assist in weight loss.
Do you know about the gift of nature to save the life of people from various health problems and make them feel secure by curing significant issues? How to live healthy in this world without having chronic diseases or illness or any other health issues which may hurt you physically and mentally? Due to dense population, people are trying to demolish the forest, garden areas to create shelter, so they forced to destroy the nature’s gift such as natural ingredients, secret medicinal herbs and more which are grown in wild forest, mountains and other places. When you read this review entirely, sure you will get chance to know about secrets medicinal ingredients, herbs and more used by our ancestor to get back the lost health without losing your life. Claude Davis was highlighted all the stuff in the form of the e-book The Lost Book Of Remedies filled with a list of natural ingredients and remedies that you can quickly grow in the backyard or at free space to include it in your routine diet or external usage to get well soon.
Plant-spirit healing is a way of life as well as a modality of healing because it helps us to become fully aware of our own true nature and to live accordingly in what can be a life-long journey. The plants are our companions for life and guide, heal, and help us along the way.
Plants and trees have a direct line to source energy, and it is this energy that causes healing to take place. This source energy is powerful. The container of our bodies needs to be free of clutter for us to experience freedom and have the capacity to hold the enormous spiritual energy that moves through us as we work with plant spirits.
In the West, we are now very conscious of needing to strengthen our bodies – the physical vessel – through exercise, breathing, bodywork, eating good organic food, and drinking pure water. However, we are lacking in our understanding that we also need to “clean house” internally; to empty the closets of our psyche of worn-out beliefs, old patterns, negative thought processes, and unwarranted fears.
When working with plant-spirit healing, we focus on the energy body to address the source of dis-ease, rather than merely treating a symptom. There may be many manifestations of illness in a person but they all come from the same source – a disruption in one’s energy body. When we are not at home with ourselves or not living according to our own true nature, the energy becomes contradictory, causing misalignment or vulnerability.
Because of the vibratory quality of light and sound, and the high-level of intelligence of plants, their ability to communicate and heal is superior to that of any other life-form on the planet, including humans. The practice of plant-spirit healing is a gift available for everyone to receive – not only those with a special interest in plants – This guide us to reconnect with the plants and re-learn the heritage of wisdom that is carried within the plant kingdom.
More than just a simple guide to herbal remedies, this book lifts the lid on the powerful secrets of the plant world.
Do you know about the gift of nature to save the life of people from various health problems and make them feel secure by curing significant issues? How to live healthy in this world without having chronic diseases or illness or any other health issues which may hurt you physically and mentally? Due to dense population, people are trying to demolish the forest, garden areas to create shelter, so they forced to destroy the nature’s gift such as natural ingredients, secret medicinal herbs and more which are grown in wild forest, mountains and other places. When you read this review entirely, sure you will get chance to know about secrets medicinal ingredients, herbs and more used by our ancestor to get back the lost health without losing your life. Claude Davis was highlighted all the stuff in the form of the e-book The Home Doctor filled with a list of natural ingredients and remedies that you can quickly grow in the backyard or at free space to include it in your routine diet or external usage to get well soon.

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