The Greenhouse Of The Future – No Extra Heating Needed



The Greenhouse Of The Future – No Extra Heating Needed

The Greenhouse of the Future is an innovative and strategic design, built of recycled and natural materials, that interacts with the natural phenomena of the planet in order to create the ideal environment for growth and abundance.

The technologies and concepts that have inspired the design of this greenhouse have been proven by over 40 years of research and development by Michael Reynolds’ Earthship homes as well as the many studies on passive solar greenhouses.

Are you INTERESTED in permaculture, organic food production, self reliance or simply having an outstanding quality of life?
Would you like to LEARN more about radically sustainable technologies?
Would you like to SAVE MONEY by growing your OWN local and organic food, and wipe out pesticides and GMO’s from your diet?
Have you ever DREAMT of being more resilient and self-reliant in a world that is dependant on non-renewable energyHow to Grow Your Own Organic Sustainable Garden and How to Heat your Home With Biodiesel Renewable Fuels
Would you like to ENJOY the warmth of the sun… your feet in the sand… in the middle of winter, directly on your property?
Would you like to RECONNECT with nature?


Diversity is much easier to achieve on a small scale than a large one. You can have a much more intimate and diverse polyculture in a home garden than you ever can on a thousand hectare farm. Many of the principles of the Greenhouse Of The Future – and I’ve only mentioned a few of them here – are much more applicable at a small scale than a larger one. And producing food at a smaller scale will actually help us to feed the world.

We’re often told that European and North American agriculture, with its large, mechanised farms, is the most productive on Earth. It is, but only in terms of productivity per person employed on the land. In terms of productivity per hectare various studies have shown that, broadly speaking, the smaller the farm the more productive it is. The Best Way to Grow Sweet Potato in Straw Bales, Bags and Containers

On a small farm, and even more so in a garden, much more attention can be given to detail and this on its own raises yields. Intricate polycultures, which would be impossible in wide open fields where you get on your tractor in the morning and drive like hell all day, become much more feasible when your unit of production is not the hectare but the individual plant. Single Plant that Grows Both Tomatoes and Potatoes at the Same Time

One of the great thrusts of permaculture is to empower more people to grow more of their own food right where they live. The Greenhouse Of The Future vision of the future would include a lot more people growing their own fruit and vegetables, whether in city, town or village. Dry foods such as grains, and animal products, would still come from the countryside, but the size of the farms producing them would be somewhat smaller than now. The Best 5 Gardening System to Grow Food for all Your Family Every Year Even in a Desert

This will mean a lot more people growing food. As the price of food inexorably rises, which it certainly will as population rises and fossil fuels become less abundant, I have little doubt that food production, whether for home consumption or for a living, will become more and more attractive and lose the lowly image it now has.

By building this greenhouse with your family our your community, you will contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world, reconnect with nature, save money and produce your own local organic food all year-round.

The Zero Energy Thermal Mass Greenhouse solves the problem of freezing weather and a short season climate when you need to grow food. There is no grid connection for heat. It will work anywhere. The two big things that it does best is to allow you to grow transplants to extend your growing season, and reduce the plant maturity days of each crop that you grow. You can also grow summer foods in the winter. It can also be used as a work space to dry vegetables, process honey from your hives, etc.

Don’t wait until food becomes scarce; start preparing for the future now by becoming as self-reliant as possible. Your long-term chances of survival could very well depend on your ability to feed yourself and your family without relying on someone else.


Other useful resources:BL_209

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

Survive Attack to Our Power Grid System (Weapon That Can Instantly End Modern Life in America)

Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)

Backyard Innovator (A Self Sustaining Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water)

Blackout USA (EMP survival and preparedness)

Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )

Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)

Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)

Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )

Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)

 Survive Any Crisis (Best  Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)

Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)

Drought USA (Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)

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