Food shortages are incoming, as the food supply chain already in danger of breaking down. With businesses closing, unemployment skyrocketing, and everyone forced to stay at home, a hurricane is about to hit. And that is the Food Supply Shortage. This is the mother of all crises; food insecurity. As the pandemic and the economic fallout has left a number of Americans in need of assistance.
Food Banks nationwide fear shortages as demand is exploding. They could run out of food shortly, as demand intensifies, and donations and volunteers are dropping rapidly. More American families are today relying entirely on food pantries to bring food on the table. This is a dire situation families can only take day-by-day. Food banks where low-income Americans can turn to survive; are now struggling themselves. They’re overwhelmed by people desperate for help. Foodbank donations have been cut in half at a time when queues are growing rapidly. In just one week, over 3 million Americans have turned to meal centers, food banks, and kitchens for any help that they can get. We risk a looming food crisis unless measures are taken fast to protect the most vulnerable, and keep global food supply chains alive, and mitigate the pandemic’s impacts across the food system. It’s an issue that goes far wider as well.
It turns out that things are even worse than we originally thought. Did you know that global supplies of wheat are shrinking? If that wasn’t bad enough, global supplies of corn and soybeans are shrinking as well. As a result, prices for all three have been soaring and the number of hungry people around the planet is rapidly rising. The COVID pandemic, widespread crop failures and global supply chain disruptions are some of the factors that are being blamed for this growing crisis. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that things will get much better any time soon. In fact, Forbes is telling us that we should not expect to see things turn around “until late 2022 – or beyond”… The relentless rally in grain prices is the result of shrinking global supplies that might not be replaced until late 2022 –
More than a million people in Pennsylvania are hungry because they cannot afford or do not have access to healthy food. For some, food insecurity is a matter of financial need. But often, entire communities are cut off from proper nutrition because there are no grocery stores nearby. These so-called “food deserts” are not the only challenge. Some neighborhoods have turned into “food swamps” – places dominated by fast-food restaurants. Further, isolation as a result of the coronavirus pandemic has made matters worse.
This documentary examines food insecurity as a societal problem, identifying the causes and exploring the many ways in which the government, non-profits, farmers and individuals are working to bring nutritious meals to the tables of those who need it.
Production and American agriculture are on the brink. As a result, it means that the food supply is fast becoming a global problem. In a situation like this, the policies of individual countries can have a global impact. In the United States, agricultural workers are demanding more as they work to keep the shelves of our supermarkets full. It’s almost overnight that food workers went from being an afterthought in people’s minds to suddenly being essential work. It should not have taken a pandemic of global proportions for us to realize that food workers literally feed us. Some fear that this could be too little too late, with the supply chain already in danger of breaking down.
The Biden admin’s executive actions in the last 48 hours are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s USDA with a Net-Zero goal, changing COVID guidance on grocery stores, restaurants, and meatpacking plants. Meanwhile, the media is finally acknowledging the soybean shortage, and the US is now also experiencing a fertilizer shortage, which will further increase costs and cause yields will collapse. As other countries stop exporting to protect domestic supplies, the US has been wholly sold out. This confluence of issues and cascading failures merits our attention urgently — start growing food today.
The pandemic is hitting farmers hard. Some dairy farmers are being forced to dump their milk instead of selling it; because there’s little demand with restaurants and schools closed. Other farmers are struggling to harvest their crops, which could affect what you’ll see at the grocery store. Because foreign labor, mostly migrant workers filled more than a quarter-million jobs in the US last year. The harvest season is here, but there are not enough workers—seasonal foreign labor mainly from Mexico.
The virus crisis has delayed the US government’s processing of their work visas. Blueberry farms are days away from harvest. They urgently need pickers and packers. Most of their seasonal workers are stuck in Guatemala, where the borders are sealed because of the virus. Millions of dollars of blueberries could rot in the fields as the American workers do not want to do this kind of work. With no workers, crops will go unharvested, and that has a ripple effect throughout this economy, and it will affect the consumers. Restaurants usually buy about 60% of the crops, but not this year, with so many restaurants closed.
This is devastating for farmers across the nation. Many will go bankrupt.
The price of food will become so high and scarce.
There is already a horrible and chaotic scene in every supermarket. People yelling, shouting, screaming, crying, And Worse coughing. It’s a stress response to panic. People see their life flash before their eyes, and even tho toilet paper isn’t their savior, they will grab whatever it is to feel like they’ve done something to survive. People are cleaning out the shelves. Food shortages are incoming.
This is a food shortage nobody was prepared for everyone to hoard. The outbreak could affect food security as the global pandemic disrupts labor availability and the supply chain. We already see challenges in terms of the logistics involving the movement of food (not being able to move food from point A to point B). And the impact on livestock sector due to reduced access to animal feed and slaughterhouses’ diminished capacity due to logistical constraints and labor shortages. 2019 was already a terrible year for American farmers. 2020 is going to be much, much worse, something is for sure going to hit the fan.
Over one million calves drowned in the Midwest in last year’s spring flooding alone. Prices of food will have to rise. But there will be free food in the FEMA camps for us. Have You Been to a grocery store lately? Ignoring the 1-hour wait to get in, you can’t get any of this stuff. Oil gone, butter gone, all canned veggies and soups and stocks gone, frozen veggies gone, most fresh and frozen meats gone, peanut butter gone, Beans and rice in bulk bags are gone. It is absolute mayhem out there right now. Stores are definitely low in stock on everything. No toilet paper to very low levels, no cleaning supplies, very little meat, low pasta, and canned goods. The strain on food supply is getting extremely tight. Relying on grocery stores during an epidemic is dumb.
The last place I want to go to is a public store where people are coughing, sneezing, or just asymptomatically breathing on me. It is full-on bizarro out there. People are in a panic mode over toilet paper when they should worry about food shortages.
The food supply chain is already in danger of breaking down.
Not only the US but also Canada food supply will be effected soon. Canada imports a good percentage of it’s food supply from The US despite having so many resources. Retailers already lost 46,200 jobs in March but could lose millions by May. Best if they would shut down and stop selling their GMO’d and heavily processed crap to consumers as healthy. It’s best to eat wild violets, dandelions and chicken-of-the-woods, than non-organic bananas.
Heavily dosed with pesticides that find their way into the soil and morph into the meat of the banana over time. Stores cannot get enough food to restock their shelves. Future deliveries of rice, flour, beans, liquids (including alcohol), generally heavier items to transport, will be cut drastically short in place for lighter items for delivery to stores. In the west, sooner (2-3 weeks), I foresee grocery stores being open for 2-3 days a week with not such a broad selection.
Think not? How long did it take for everything else to be closed up? Shelves with the forementioned are already resembling the Toilet Paper aisle and that’s with significantly less consumers. Food processing factories are shutting down nationwide.
Large food canneries have closed. Canned food prepared with seasonal vegetables – won’t be. Farmers requiring parts for tractors will also be out of luck!!! There’s also a distribution problem caused by panic buying if the masses continue their hoarding hysterics. Best bet is called off this stupid quarantine and avoid eventual mass starvation. Or trust your government! Or just demand your rights now, before they totally vanish under the Marxist bureaucratic insanity. And remember all those fools who have called our economics and society unsustainable for the past 50 years… Well now it is. If you want to see food supply chain interruptions, just wait. Farmers are almost all older people.
Those who understand the complex automated equipment are older. With our people getting sick and dying, farm operations will come to a stop. If the city dwellers start rioting or getting violent, no trucker in his or her right mind would drive into that city. At least without a military escort. If looting begins, things will get even worse. The stores will close, never to open again. The massive challenge is distributing the food , not producing it. Warehouses are full. Grocery stores are not. Truck drivers are the only thing between us & massive food shortages. If it gets really bad, state lockdowns could stop food transportation cross country. Infected farmers will be slowing down productivity.
The time of preparing is just about over. For those of you who have prepared, this is what you have prepared for. If you have prepared to the point, you can help others. I greatly encourage you to do so. Retailers continue to stock as quickly as they can. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans still have absolutely no idea what is ahead of us. Most do not understand how screwed this country is going to be. The norm is no longer going to be the norm. Most don’t understand that a huge amount of our food comes from other countries. And when the dollar becomes worthless soon; people are not going to be able to handle it. A virus isn’t causing a supply chain breakdown. This is got to be something else going on. I believe there is something far deeper going on to cause this and bring us crying to our government or Deep State for relief.
This makes me think driving farmers out of business was part of the plan all along. Civil unrest is the biggest threat. If the rule of law is suspended, mutual cooperation is going to be one way to survive. Of course, isolation and being completely self-sufficient works too. The bottom line is, I think we get through this together, and not necessarily individually. If it gets bad enough, numbers are going to be needed for defense. Always think as survivalists people! Don’t expect the government to fly over and drop a care package in your yard! And as for growing your own food, people REALLY need to do that! Our over-reliance on imported food from other countries was a disaster waiting to happen. No one cares about the US like we do (US citizens). When push comes to shove, people take care of their own first. Gardening and yard work is good therapy; God bless the farmers, They are the only ones that produce anything.
This is everything you need to know about your local supermarket. If you load the store to its maximum inventory level, and no more trucks come in to make deliveries, the store has, at most, a three day supply of a product. Now go to their distribution center. The warehouse, carrying a maximum level of inventory, has enough product to supply all the stores it services for three days. What happens when the stores get stripped clean, and the distribution center can’t get the product into the stores fast enough? It doesn’t take three days plus three days, or three days times three days, to get the situation straightened out. It takes three days to the third power, or 27 days, provided that what caused the stores to be stripped clean was a one-time event. And what about your Wal-Mart or Target. Go to the general merchandise departments. Most of that product comes from China, and it comes in through the Port of Long Beach. Problem? No container cars at Long Beach.
That means no goods are coming in. It also means that whatever product is in the general merchandise departments, plus whatever back stock is in the backroom, is all that store has, and they won’t be getting any more for quite some time. See how easy it is for a just in time inventory system to break down very quickly? Now, factor in credit. None of this stuff goes anywhere without a functioning 3 to 14 day system of credit. Think bill of lading. It tells the seller of the goods that the buyer of the goods is good for the money because the buyer’s bank is good for the money. No seller is going to put goods on a truck or train without this assurance. And we are starting to see real problems in the credit markets, with a real high risk of a credit freeze. Think of what kind of hell is going to break loose in stores if we have a credit freeze. Am I afraid of the far more contagious and dangerous insanity that has swept the globe? You bet.
The virus pales in comparison to the damage elected officials will do in the form of lockdowns and forced closures. Get a grip. Most people infected with this disease don’t even require hospitalization. This isn’t Bubonic Plague. FEAR is the culprit. Those idiots addicted to corporate mainstream media and the fear-mongering to sell eyeballs to advertisers. People are staying at home who should not. They are really going to cripple all capitalist economies seemingly on purpose. What will happen to the lockdowns should they continue this insane nonsense, they will utterly break down society’s ability to cope will collapse, and the morons will have lead us into a far worse crisis. Idiot political appointees with idiotic spreadsheets deciding everything.
The economic effects of the pandemic continue to appear: stock exchanges collapsing, stagnant production falling expectations for global growth, entire economies broke, and an uncertain future for the current system. The fragility of the western, progressively denying its liberal and globalist values of an open society, and free markets, promoting increasingly constant and incisive state interventions, closing borders, and instituting strong economic protectionism. First to go was the Gold Standard, and then the Petro Dollar, and finally, the lead shoe drops. Agenda 2030 is being implemented now. More are lining up here and in smaller surrounding towns next county over for food. Few will donate to food banks , America is trashed, and unemployment will be over 50% soon.
Are you worried about your future? Are you worried by the many disasters that you face in your everyday life? Worry no more. The Lost Ways comes in to solve your woes. This program was created by Davis Claude and its major role is to prepare and teach you how to handle worst-case scenarios using the least independence. This program will therefore motivate you to protect your family and friends during the worst period without the help of the modern technology.
Remember, calamities are everywhere: at work, home, school and many other places. These calamities cause tension and leads to a decrease in productivity. This may finally lead to a reduction in life. Fortunately, the lost ways review will provide solutions to these situations. It will give you the tips for preparing yourselfwhen nothing seems to go as expected.
Generally, most people are optimistic. This makes them unprepared for failure. However, the best thing is to prepare for worst times. It is important to tell your kids about earthquakes, fire outbreaks, extreme weather conditions and other calamities. Tell them how to deal with these calamities in case they occur.
Skills Of The Native Hunters –Pemmican The Ultimate Survival Food
Pemmican and How To Make
When the white men set out across North America, a reliable supply of portable provisions was one of the major problems. Lacking the skills of the native hunters, it was doubtful that they could live off the
country. They knew something about preserving food, a necessity for sailing ships, but it was limited to salting and pickling. The resultant salt pork and hardtack were unappetizing fare but they kept
life in a man.
The Plains Indians had a better solution to the problem, and one on which the fur traders and explorers came to depend. The answer was pemmican. The Cree word Pimikan meant, roughly, manufactured grease, but there was a lot more than that to it.
Basically it was buffalo meat, cut with the grain in thin slices or strips and dried in the sun or over a slow fire. A smoking fire added flavor and was useful for keeping the flies off though if meat racks were high they tended to be clear of flies. The dry-meat was then spread on a hide and pounded by stones or mallets to become “beat meat” which was tossed into a rectangular rawhide container (hair on
the outside) about the size of a flour sack. To the dehydrated, crumbled meat was added one-third or more of melted fat and the bag was sewn up. The fat might be mixed with the meat before or after it
was bagged. While the pemmican was cooling the bag was turned from time to time to prevent the fat all settling on one side. Compressed in a skin bag that was greased along the seams to eliminate air and
moisture, it would keep for years.
Discover how our grandfathers used to preserve food for long periods of time.
In the best pemmican, which was limited in quantity, the meat was very finely pulverized and only marrowfat, from boiled broken bones, was used. For variety and flavour dried fruits such as chokecherries, Saskatoon or Service berries might be added. The pemmican bags were flattened for easier handling. At times, rendered fat was stored in rawhide bags, left in a round shape to distinguish them from the pemmican bags. Marrow, while better tasting, was comparatively scarce and did not keep as well as ordinary tallow and would be preserved in bladders. The bags of pemmican weighed 80 to 90 pounds and it was estimated that each bag accounted for two buffalo (bison). So high was the food value that three-quarters of a pound was a reasonable day’s ration but hard working voyageurs were more likely to consume between one and two pounds each in a day.
Moose and elk meat was sometimes treated similarly but the results were not so satisfactory. In some regions fish pemmican was made by pounding dried fish, mixed often with sturgeon oil, but it was more
usual, as it is now among the Crees, for the pounded fish and the fish oil to be kept separately, the oil in animal bladders.
David Thompson in 1810, described pemmican in detail: “…dried provisions made of the meat and fat of the bison under the name of pemmican, a wholesome, well tasted nutritious food, upon which all
persons engaged in the fur trade mostly depend for their subsistence during the open season; it is made of the lean and fleshy parts of the bison dried, smoked and pounded fine: in this state it is called beat
meat: the fat of the bison is of two qualities, called hard and soft;…the latter…when carefully melted resembles butter in softness and sweetness. Pemmican is made up in bags of ninety pounds weight, made of the parchment hide of the bison with the hair on; the proportion of the Pemmican when best made for keeping is twenty pounds of soft and the same of hard fat, slowly melted together, and at a low
warmth poured on fifty pounds of beat meat, well mixed together, and closely packed in a bag of about thirty inches in length, by near twenty inches in breadth, and about four in thickness which makes them
flat, the best shape for stowage and carriage…I have dwelt on the above, as it (is) the staple food of all persons, and affords the most nourishment in the least space and weight, even the gluttonous French
Canadian (the voyageurs) that devours eight pounds of fresh meat every day is contented with one and a half pounds per day: it would be admirable provision for the Army and Navy.”
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James Isham, writing fifty years earlier, comments on the quality of the marrow-fat, it being “…fine and as sweet as any butter or fat that is made, moose and buffalo fat they reserve after the same manner in great quantities.” He mentions that the meat, cut in slices, is dried on poles over a fire, which takes about four days, and then pounded or beaten between two stones till some of it is as small as dust. “Pemmican” he claimed, was “reckon’d by some very good food by the English as well as natives.”
There were three ways of eating pemmican. There was the soup or stew called rubbaboo in which a lump of pemmican was chopped off and put in a pot of boiling water. If it was available, flour was added and
possibly wild onions, sometimes a little sugar, occasionally a vegetable and a scrap of salt pork. Frying the pemmican in its own fat resulted in what was called rousseau (or rechaud or richot) and to it also might be added some flour or a suitable wild plant for flavour. The third method was to hack off a lump and eat it raw, a slow process, since it dried extremely hard, but a satisfying concentrated food for the travelers with no time to stop.
Though they realized its worth, not everyone enjoyed pemmican, no matter how prepared. A party from Boston traveling to the Saskatchewan to see the solar eclipse in 1860 commented that “rousseau is by comparison with the other palatable, though it is even then impossible to so disguise it as to avoid the suggestion of tallow candles; and this and the leathery, or India-rubbery, structure of the meat are its
chief disqualifications. But even rousseau may lose its charms when taken as a steady diet three times a day for weeks.”
While it is known that pemmican lasts for a long period it is doubtful if there is any lying about now. At times a strange lump of organic matter is dug up and is claimed to be “fossil pemmican.” This is a trap for the unwary for in a all likelihood this “relic” will turn out to be a fungus known as tackahoe (Polyporus tuberaster) which is found in the prairie black soils in conjunction with aspen.
The first step in making pemmican is to procure a moose, or other large animal. The raw meat is sliced, as thinly as possible, in sheets or strips. A rack is built to hang the sheets and strips of meat on and this rack is enclosed in a canvas shelter, or a lumber smokehouse is built. A slow fire of dry poplar, willow, or other hardwood is made under the meat and kept going till the meat is completely dried and smoked. This takes two or more days.
The dried meat is then partially enclosed in a moose hide or a strong canvas bag and pounded with a heavy instrument such as an axe or a wooden mallet made for the purpose till the meat is in very small pieces or, for the best pemmican, completely powdered. In these days after pounding, the meat might be put through a grinder.
The best parts of the animal fat are taken and rendered. The bones of the animal are broken up and boiled for their marrow content. The rendered fat is heated to boiling point and put in a container. Then as much of the pounded meat as can be absorbed is added to the hot fat.
This is now pemmican and it is put in animal hide bags, or, more probably today, in moulds such as small dishes to set. Such is the food on which the western travelers of former years depended.
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Venison or buffalo
Saskatoon berries or
Melted fat
During the summer the Indians dried Saskatoon berries as well as meat. When the chokecherries were ripe the band assembled at some convenient spot to make pemmican.
To the chant of traditional songs, the women beat strips of dry-meat (a hollow log, up-ended, and bound with a thong of rawhide to prevent splitting served as a container) with stone pounding implements until
it was almost like powder. The mass was mixed with melted fat in a bark trough, then packed very tightly into skin bags, and sewed up so that no air could enter, folding the skin over until no air remained in the bag. Saskatoons and chokecherries pounded up, pits and all added to the flavour, if not the digestibility. Some women, as in any society were very clean and careful when preparing food, and some were not. A well-known good pemmican-maker commanded a higher price as a bride.
“Sweet” pemmican was made by cracking the big animal bones and boiling them with water. The melted fat came to the top, and when congealed, was used for mixing.
Also the paunch or stomach of the animal was used as a container.
People who are horrified by this idea should remember that until a very few years ago sausage casings were made from the cleaned intestines of pigs or lambs.
If kept dry, pemmican would remain good for years. Even today, many native people embarking on long trips into remote areas make a supply, for it is one of the most concentrated foods known to man. It will
sustain life indefinitely and needs no refrigeration.
The Indians used pemmican for emergency rations due to the large amount of work involved in making it. They killed fresh meat whenever they could. The Pouce Coupe Prairie was famous for good quality
pemmican, but the whole Peace River country “exported” it for centuries before the white man arrived. It was partly to raid the country for Peace River Pemmican that the Cree made their periodic raids from the Edmonton area.
After the fur-trade began, pemmican was sought after as well as furs. The fur brigades needed great amounts to carry them on long journeys to Lake Superior, during which time the voyageurs had no time to stop and hunt. In fact it was to help the Indians to shoot more buffalo for pemmican that the white men gave them guns. With their new weapons and with the added incentive of obtaining trade goods for the product, the Indians forgot their ages-long tradition of conservation. Where they used to take no more than they needed, they now slaughtered mercilessly and wantonly. By 1830, the herds of bison no longer wintered on Pouce Coupe’s Prairie, but clung in one’s and two’s to the coulees and isolated valleys. In 1906 the last, a tame one, was shot near Fort St. John.
Archeological “digs” have not taken place in the area, except for fossils. Pioneers yet living know where “Indian Hill” is, a few miles west of Dawson Creek. Hector Tremblay Jr. in an interview here in August, 1973, remembered the great summer pemmican making gatherings there not fifty years ago. There was an Indian cemetery there too, now ploughed over.
The white pioneer women knew the preserving quality of fat. It was customary to grind up quantities of beef or moose, fry or bake it in patties, and pack it in crocks. Over it enough rendered lard was poured to cover it well. Crocks of preserved meat were lifesavers when gangs of men had to be fed at threshing, wood sawing, or “building bee” time.
Sometimes black, rounded masses are ploughed up when breaking fields. Many people believe them to be pemmican, or even “fossilized pemmican”. There is not a chance in a thousand that is anything more
than a kind of giant, underground fungus known as “tuckahoe”. Museums must have dozens turned in, for some people cannot be persuaded that they have not made a notable find. The comparatively lightweight and “mushroom” smell when they are dug up convinced the informed person at once as to their nature. They are fairly common.
Take chicken breast from frozen, and let them thaw just slightly. Then slice very thin. You can then dry it either in your oven on racks on the lowest setting with the door cracked open or use a dehydrator. Once your meat is dried out, process in a food processor to a powder. Add coconut oil, enough to moisten. You can add dried berries as well. I’ve added currants, dried blueberries, and wolfberries (different batches, not all together). Of course the berries are completely optional. Stevia doesn’ work well with this, so if you feel the need for a sweetness boost you can add a small amount of raw honey or maple syrup or whatever floats your boat. You can place the pemmican into muffin papers and refridge or freeze to get them solidified a bit. You can also spread out in a baking dish and then cut into bars once solidified.
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Chicken Pemmican
Dry chicken in dehydrator, process in food processor; add melted coconut butter/oil and put in paper muffin cups. I freeze these so I won’t eat them all at once.
Coconut Oil Pemmican
I think I ate too much pemmican with coconut oil last night! But it tastes so good!
Yes it does. It is the most delicious dish I have ever had.
I mix in some thyme or dried lingonberries.
Meat: Beef or bison. Grass-fed only. Round is a good cut.
Prepping: Remove all visible fat. To slice, use longest knife on partially frozen meat.
Drying: Better taste if not cooked. Use low temperature, e.g. 100F, and dry for several days. Having no moisture at all is required for long storage life.
Grinding: I’ve tried these ways:
– Meat Grinder. The best.
– Blender. Good. Best to break into small pieces.
– Food processor. Poor.
Mixing: This is by weight. I use 55% meat, 45% suet. Kent Multer recommends
60% meat, 40% suet.
Put in muffin tins.
Raw red meat. Eye round roast is widely recommended.
Suet: this is a particular type of beef fat. Other types will not work correctly, so be sure you get the right stuff.
At least one reader has used other types of fat successfully, although he says the shelf life may not be as long. One person suggested that lamb fat would work, but hadn’t actually tried it.
1. Is “tallow” the same as suet, or is this a more generic term for
animal fat?
2. Also, what about lard? Ray’s recipe in the archive uses the words
“lard” and “tallow” as if they are equivalent; but in another message, he said that lard is pork fat and will not work correctly.
Flavorings (optional). Salt, pepper, garlic, and dried fruit or nuts are sometimes used. One person recommended sage. If using salt, go easy on it.
Traditionally the dried fruit was cranberries. But commerical ones are now high in sugar. People have recommended dried cherries.
According to the instructions that came with my dryer, you should use at least 1 tsp. of salt per pound of meat in order to prevent bacteria growth.
You will need about 60% meat, 40% suet — these measurements are by weight, after preparation. If you have extra of either, you can save it for the next batch.
Someone asked how you would save the extra. The meat, I presume, can be stored at room temp. like jerky. Is the suet equally stable?
Slice and dry as you would for jerky; it must be dry enough to break rather than bend. Break it up by hand or with a food processor. Some people like it powdered, some prefer a more granular texture. Add the spices or other flavorings, if any.
Other than with a food processor or blender, how do you grind the meat? with some kind of knife, mallet, mortar and pestle, etc.?
This is the part of the process about which there is the most confusion.
Apparently the idea is to remove the skins or rinds, as well as any water.
Removing water: one person recommends actually adding some water at first, to prevent burning. During cooking, the water settles to the bottom and boils away. You can see the little blobs of water at the bottom of the pan; it’s done when they’re gone.
Cut the suet into small chunks, and heat it in a pan over LOW heat — don’t let it get hot enough to smoke, as it may give the pemmican a bad taste.
And have other unpleasant side effects such as adding impurities to the food, annoying your spouse, etc.
The best explanation I found for this process was from Bob Baldwin on Oct.
30. He wrote:
This process take a while and you will end up with melted fat and brown globs of stuff (it’s not a gross as it sounds). Pour the whole works through a sieve into another pan (I got a large sieve at Target – it doesn’t need to be giant) and discard the globs — I use a coffee can. I then pu a couple of layers of cheese cloth in the sieve and filter the fat again. Now you have the fat.
1. What about removing moisture? Does it settle to the bottom of the pan, so that it’s easy to separate? Or does it just boil or evaporate away?
2. Ray’s book says to “render” the suet twice — “render” apparently means the whole process of heat, filter, and cool. Is twice really necessary? (Bob doesn’t think so, and the recipe in the archive doesn’t call for it.)
Let the suet cool until it is cool enough to touch but still liquid. Pour it onto the meat slowly and mix it in until all the meat is “just saturated” (Ray) or “about the consistency of fudge” (Bob). Fill muffin tins with it, or roll it out into a sheet and cut into cookie-size chunks.
When cool, it should be firm, although still a bit greasy to the touch; so wrap it in foil, plastic, or something else that the fat won’t soak through. Properly made, it should keep for years at room temperature.
Pemmican Recipe
2 cups buffalo jerky or beef jerky, shredded
1 cup dried chokeberries or tart red cherries, chopped
6 TBSP tallow (beef fat)
Combine all ingredients and form into 6 patties. Refrigerate until serving.
I make pemmican by grinding up several lbs of dehydrated eye of round slices with a handfull of dried cherries in a food processor or blender (or between rocks if you’re a purist). The meat should dried until
brittle to facilitate grinding and eliminate any moisture which could facilitate bacteria or mold. To this I add tallow until the dried meat is totally saturated. It’s then done. Total time (apart from
dehydrating meat) 15 minutes.
I save tallow from broiling (cheap) hamburger during the previous week. I leave the broiling pan in the oven after the burgers are done for about 10 minutes at 350 then leave it in the warm oven until I do the dishes.
I then srain out the tallow into a bowl. As it now contains no water, it dries hard and white (it can be substituded for wax in making candles).
If kept dry, pemmican will keep longer than you will live. Beware of condensation in airtight containers. I keep mine in a cassarole dish with a loose fitting glass lid on top of (not in) the refrigerator.
Saskatoon Pemmican Recipe
Jerky; beef or venison
Dried Saskatoon berries or dried blueberries
Unroasted sunflower seeds or crushed nuts of any kind
Peanut butter
Cayenne [optional]
This version uses peanut butter rather than melted suet or lard as the binding agent, which is more palatable for today’s health conscious diets.
Grind [or pound -JW] the dried meat to a mealy powder. Add the dried berries and seeds or nuts. Heat the honey, peanut butter and cayenne until softened. Blend. When cooled, store in a plastic bag or sausage casing in a cool dry place. It will keep for months.
Dried meat
Dried fruit
Rendered fat
4 cups dried meat – depending on how lean it is, it can take 1 – 2 lbs. per cup. Use only deer, moose, caribou, or beef (not pork or bear). Get it as lean as possible and double ground from your butcher if you don’t have a meat grinder. Spread it out very thinly in cookie sheets and dry at 1800 overnight or until crispy and sinewy. Regrind or somehow break it into almost a powder.
3 cups dried fruit – to taste mix currents, dates, apricots, dried apples. Grind some and leave some lumpy for texture.
2 cups rendered fat – use only beef fat. Cut into chunks and heat over the stove over medium (or Tallow) heat. Tallow is the liquid and can be poured off and strained.
Unsalted nuts to taste and a shot of honey.
Combine in a bowl and hand mix. Double bag into four portions. The mixture will last for quite a while without refrigeration. I have eaten it four years old. It actually improves with age.
HINT: Vary the fat content to the temperature in which it will be consumed. Less for summer. Lots for winter. Not only is it good energy food for canoeing, but an excellent snack.
Pemmican will keep almost forever. Pure, dried protein and rendered (mostly saturated) fat are highly stable, so I wouldn’t worry about it going rancid.
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RELATE : Lindsey Williams – – Economic Collapse Has Arrived – Global Currency Reset, Nothing Can Stop It – Warning to Prepare for an Emergency. Stock up on food, water and supplies now! It is 5 days Before the Economic Collapse.” So, what do you do?
Knowledge will be your best weapon against this invisible threat. The information inside “Pandemic Protocol” will melt away your fears and anxiety about the virus. Everything you will discover inside is focused on how to keep the infection out of your home and your family safe.
Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.
Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)
The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )
Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)
The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)
LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)
Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)
Survive Any Crisis (Best Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
Survive The End Days(Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Drought USA(Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)