Wouldn’t it be horrible if the number of Americans without a job was higher today than it was during the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009? Well, that is actually true. As you will see below, nearly 102 million Americans do not have a job right now, and at no point during the last recession did that number ever surpass the 100 million mark. Of course the U.S. population has grown a bit over the last decade, the percentage of the population that is engaged in the labor force is only slightly above the depressingly low levels from the last recession. Sadly, the truth is that the rosy employment statistics that you are getting from the mainstream media are manufactured using smoke and mirrors.
Are you ready to cough up $220,000 dollar to pay your share? One of the reasons why the economic collapse of the U.S. is inevitable is because we are in way too much debt.
The 22 trillion dollar debt that the federal government has accumulated gets most of the attention, but the truth is that we would still be 50 trillion dollars in debt even if the national debt was eliminated somehow. Today, debt levels are exploding on every level of society. Corporate debt has more than doubled since the last financial crisis, U.S. consumers are more than 13 trillion dollars in debt, and state and local governments are piling up debt as if tomorrow will never come.
According to a Federal Reserve chart that you can find right here, the total amount of debt in the U.S. financial system has now reached an astounding 72 trillion dollars. I divided $72,000,000,000,000 by the current population of the United States (Google says it is 327.2 million), and I discovered that it breaks down to more than $220,000 dollar for every man, woman and child in the entire country. So if you have a family of four, your share of all this debt is $880,000 dollars.
This debt bubble has been growing much, much faster than the overall economy for a very long time.
When Ronald Reagan took office the total amount of debt in our system was less than 5 trillion dollars, and when George W. Bush took office the total amount of debt in our system was just over 29 trillion dollars. Just prior to the last economic collapse and stock market crash we surpassed the 54 trillion dollar mark, and so since that time we have added nearly 18 trillion dollars to our total. Of course all of this debt will never actually be paid off.
Every financial bubble in history has eventually ended with a major stock market crash and financial collapse, and this one will too. As for the nation as a whole, we can only hope that there is as much time as possible before the inevitable economic collapse comes. For decades we have been making exceedingly foolish decisions, and the consequences of those decisions are going to be exceedingly painful indeed.
Preparing for an Economic Collapse
1# Prepare to — In the 1930′s, people were generally much more law abiding. Life centered upon your neighborhood, work, and church. If you got out of line or caused trouble, the community reacted quickly. In this day and age, people are less connected to their communities. If we have another great depression, crime will be rampant. Staving and desperate people lower their moral standards. You need a defensive carbine, shotgun, and pistol for every member of your family. Have enough ammunition, such that if you never could buy ammo again, you would have enough. Children from age 13 and above should learn how to shoot in a responsible and safe manner. (I am a super strong advocate of safety and working within the law. Take a safe gun course and know your state and local gun laws!)
2# Get to know your neighbors – In 1930′s everyone in your neighborhood knew you and you knew everyone. It is time to return our communities to friendly helpful neighbors. Learn about your neighbors. Know their strengths, weaknesses and values. Know whom you can count on in an emergency and who you would help in an emergency. In a subtle manner, discuss emergency preparedness. Ask questions like, in case of a bad storm, do you have a chain saw to help clear the streets of downed trees? Start the seeds of a community watch program, which can evolve into a community safety program if WROL occurs. The best way to get to know your neighbors is to throw a block party. In my neighborhood, we throw a block party on Halloween for all of our children. And we are looking to possibly throw a New Year’s Day open house. Also, offer to watch your neighbor’s house when they go on vacation. Be a good neighbor and your neighborhood will respond to you.
3# Avoid all types of debt — Except for your primary mortgage, try hard to avoid any type of debt. During the great depression, many homes and farms where repossessed, leaving families as refugees. Instead of buying new cars on credit, but used for cash.
4# Find alternative sources of income — People in the 1930′s did everything and anything to earn income. If they had a job, then often had a 2nd job. If they had a job, the often had a home based business in addition. If they had no job, they took odd jobs or day labor to earn money. If you have skills of an essential service, offer that services to your friends and neighbors, and then ask for referrals from them.
5# Find alternative sources of food — When the next great depression strikes, the biggest problem will be access to food. Supply chains will collapse. Food supply companies will fail. Shipments of food could be blocked or delayed. You should have multiple mechanisms to obtain food. First and best is your own garden with home canned to save your results. Any home with room for a garden had a garden in the 1930′s. Additionally, join a local farm coop and go to your local farmers market. Befriend a local farmer and offer labor in return for food. Some farms will allow you to gleam from already picked fields.
6# Be prepared to double up at home — Where three generations of the same family have their own homes, that is true luxury. Back in the 1930′s, families grouped together for mutual support. Grandma and grandpa did not live in a condo in Florida, rather they lived with their children. Young children lived with their parents until such time that they married and started their own families. In the next great depression, it is unlikely that people will be able to afford to live in separate homestead. And besides, it is a better family that lives together. Grandparents have historical, Darwinist role in family. That is to teach their children and assist in the raising of grandchildren.
7# Position your finances – For your investments, you should always have a diversified asset allocation. While I will not provide recommendations on your investments and retirement funds (I am not a financial advisor), I would recommend that you take a serious look at all of your investments. In the remote possibility of a full economic collapse, I do recommend that 5% of your investments are held in physical (within your hands-on control) in gold or silver. Otherwise, there are very tough decisions to be made regarding your investments. The economy may or may not recover. Stock market may go up or down. You need to decide for yourself how much risk you are willing to take. Due to near 0% Fed interest rate, bond are risky. If interest rates need to rise in the future, the value of bonds may go down. Do watch market conditions closely. Have a plan to quickly move your savings and investments to less-risky, principal protecting securities, if the economy looks to about collapse.
8# Build an emergency fund — Every prudent family should have an emergency fund. Rather than using credit cards for emergencies, better to pull from savings. Emergencies tend to cluster, unfortunately. Illnesses, job losses, and weather disasters can all hit at once. Putting emergencies on a credit card have lead to many bankruptcies. Ideally, you should have 6 to 12 months of emergency savings. If you are single or have a two wage family, then perhaps 6 months is enough. If your family has only a single income earner, or you have a seasonal job, or employer is having financial problems, then 12 months of emergency savings is appropriate. You can start by simply taking $50 or $100 from each paycheck to put in a savings account. Cut back on expenses everywhere in your life, so that every penny saved is directed to emergency savings.
9# Do not delay medical issues — If you have any outstanding minor surgeries or dental care, please deal with it now. You may not have access to medical insurance or health care providers when the economy collapses. Get your eyes checked and update your eye glasses prescription. The hernia operation you have been putting off may be a life-ending after economic collapse. If you are overweight, drink too much alcohol, use tobacco products, or addicted to drugs, you are running out of time to correct these issues. Alcoholic and drug addicts will be among the first to die after an economic collapse.
10#Shed non-essential toys — While you still have time and your toys still have economic value, shift your assets from non-essential to essentials. Have a jet ski, weekend motorcycle, and 48 inch LCD TV, but no long-term food storage? Have a baseball card collection or your wife has a doll collection, but no way to defend your family? Sell the toys. Buy essentials. One of my hobbies is coin collecting. I shifted my collection from collectibles coins to gold and silver coins.
11#Take up hiking and camping as a hobby – The best way to build a bug-out bag or be prepared for an emergency relocation is hiking and camping. Hiking, for that matter any walking, is great exercise. Your preparations for hiking and camping will enable you to prepare for a bug-out situation. You will learn about what gear you need. An overnight hiking trip will teach you how to pack lightly and with only essentials. This past Summer, I took my young family on their first camping trip. They loved it. We started with just camping in just a cabin (we are suburbanites, so you will need to cut us some slack). And we are working our way up to tents.
12#Produce your own energy — If you can afford it, adding solar panels to your home is starting towards becoming energy efficient. Add a wood-burning fireplace and cast iron stoves to you home, so that you can heat your home from firewood. In an economic collapse, you may not be able to afford to pay for heating fuel. There are many interesting home kits to produce bio-diesel and alcohol fuels for vehicles.
14#Monitor the news — Watch the economic news closely. Do not be blind sided by a possible economic collapse. Be prepared to move quick to move your money and investments to safer assets. Be quick or be poor.
15#Watch your banks closely — If your bank has a lot of negative news, consider moving your accounts. Watch for a potential run on your bank. Make sure your bank is FDIC insured. FDIC insurance only covers up to $250,000 in deposits. So if you have more than $250,000 at one bank, then spread it out to multiple banks.
16#Learn new skills — Never shot a gun before, then take a gun safety class and obtain your concealed carry permit. Learn now to do home canning with a pressure cooker. Take first aid courses. Learn how to plant a home garden. Gain the skills now that will carry you through.
17#Buy farmland – If you have the money, it would be hard not to consider buying a plot of farmland for your family. Even 10 or 20 acres in a remote location with ample annual rain or source of clean ground water would be an excellent way to insure your family will have food in the future.
I truly hope there will not be an economic collapse. But for some countries, economic collapse has already come. Look at the situations in Argentina and Greece. Debt levels for Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Japan and USA are reaching crisis levels, yet still growing. An economic collapse is possible, not an alarmst bloggers posting. It is time to prepare your family.
Growing your own groceries, and making your own food out of basic ingredients, such as cheese, bread and even chocolate to name a few…
Then you could stockpile the excess produce for dark days… (The shelf life of ingredients is longer than that of the resulting foods, anyway…) So while other preppers pay thousands for overpriced, highly-processed “emergency food”, you’ll build your survival stockpile for free…
Former Adviser To Ex UK Prime Minister Warns Public To Start Prepping
HSBC payment system collapses. Corporate media continually using propaganda that the stock market can’t crash. Consumer sentiment tumbles. Personal spending declines as J Crew reports a decline in sales. It is looking like 2008 all over again, as retail investors are getting out of the market. China unwinding dumping treasuries. Huge push to get rid of paper currency so the central banks have full control. Former Adviser to Ex UK Prime Minister warns everyone needs to prepare for the upcoming collapse. The US Government/central bank continues to blame China for the crash of the market.
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Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.
Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)
The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )
Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)
The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)
LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)
Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)
Survive Any Crisis (Best Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
Survive The End Days(Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Drought USA(Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)