The Best Way To Makin’ Bacon
If you are a survivalist and a hunter, you know that wild game may be what feeds you and your family when times get hard. As a hunter myself, I know what it takes to kill and dress both small and large game; nothing like a venison roast is there?
But in order to make the most out of a kill, we must try to use the entire animal. Most people have probably never tried to make their own bacon; it’s far better than store bought.
Curing your own bacon from scratch is fun and not as difficult as you might think. You’ll need a whole animal belly; I am using a domestic organic pork belly for this recipe. Your butcher will probably have to order you one as they are rarely found on supermarket shelves.
You’ll also need a few easy-to-obtain ingredients and a smoker/BBQ capable of smoking at between 150°-200°F. In a SHTF situation, a smoker might not be the best idea so you can leave that off if desired.
Homemade Bacon
Time. 2 hours prep, seven days of curing, 1.5 2 hours of smoking.
- 5 pounds of animal belly
- Kosher salt
- Pink curing salt*
- Brown sugar
- 7 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
- 1 cup maple syrup
- ½ lb coffee
- ¼ cup liquid smoke – optional
Basic dry-cure is a mix of kosher salt, sugar and pink salt. Pink in this case refers to curing salt, which is regular table salt with 6.25% sodium nitrite added which dyed pink for safety. This is a component you can’t leave out. The smoking method holds the meat near the so-called “danger zone” for several hours and the nitrites prevent bacteria from growing.
To make the basic dry-cure mix, use the following:
- 1 lb kosher salt
- 8 oz sugar
- 10 teaspoons pink curing slat
You need about 1/4 cup of the dry-cure mix for this recipe.
Curing salt…what is that? Curing salt is a salt mixture containing sodium nitrate. But what you may not know is that not only are the fears over nitrates totally exaggerated, but “nitrate-free” products can in fact contain many times more nitrates than traditional products.
Sodium nitrate is a type of salt that happens to be a exceptionally effective food preservative; it’s been used for decades. A biologically occurring mineral, sodium nitrate is present in all kinds of vegetables (root veggies like carrots as well as leafy greens like lettuce) along with all types of fruits. Essentially, anything that grows in the ground draws sodium nitrate out of the soil.
One thing that happens when sodium nitrate is used as a curing agent is that the sodium nitrate is converted to sodium nitrite. It’s sodium nitrite that actually contains the properties that make it a good preservative. Interestingly, the sodium nitrate that we consume through fruits and, vegetables is transformed to sodium nitrite by our digestive process. So when we eat fruits and vegetables our bodies produce sodium nitrite.
Word of the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed long before us, because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times of famine and war.
- If the skin is still on your belly, remove it. I like to cure the skin as well while making bacon to be used later for seasoning meat. If your belly still has the hair on it, you can either burn it off at this time or just not use it.
- Spread about 1/8 cup of the dry-cure mix out on a pan and dredge one side of the belly in it until you have a nice even outside coat . Pour on the other 1/8 cup of the mix and do the same to the other side and the edges. Rub it in real good with your hands.
- If you prefer to use liquid smoke instead of smoking on a grill, now is the time to spread some on. (Eliminate step 8).
Drizzle on your syrup in an even coat and then sprinkle with black pepper.
- Sprinkle on the coffee grounds afterwards.
- Place belly into a plastic bag and place in a pan to catch any leaks. Place in the refrigerator for at least 7 days. If the belly is thicker than 2″ add another couple of days. A few more days won’t hurt anything. The belly will release liquid so every day or two open the bag and drain the liquid. Then you want to gently rub the bag so the spices are well distributed, and flip the bag over.
- After 7 or so days, remove the belly from the bag, throw the liquid away, and rinse the belly with cool water removing the curing salt from the surface. Pat dry.
- If you are using a grill, set up with low heat for smoking. If possible, smoke over indirect low heat until the bacon’s internal temp is 150°F, about 1.5 to 2 hours. You can use any hardwood you like. Hickory is the favorite for me but apple or mesquite will work too.
- When done, let it cool on a plate in the fridge. Cold bacon is easier to slice. Use a long thin knife to slice it.
- Wrap it tightly with a vacuum sealed Ziplock bag, and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or freeze for months.
Survival Food Prepping Ideas/ULTIMATE Top Skills 2017
Discover how to survive: Most complete survival tactics, tips, skills and ideas like how to make pemmican, snow shoes, knives, soap, beer, smoke houses, bullets, survival bread, water wheels, herbal poultices, Indian round houses, root cellars, primitive navigation, and much more at: The Lost Ways
The Lost Ways is a far-reaching book with chapters ranging from simple things like making tasty bark-bread-like people did when there was no food-to building a traditional backyard smokehouse… and many, many, many more!
Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find in The Lost Ways:
From Ruff Simons, an old west history expert and former deputy, you’ll learn the techniques and methods used by the wise sheriffs from the frontiers to defend an entire village despite being outnumbered and outgunned by gangs of robbers and bandits, and how you can use their wisdom to defend your home against looters when you’ll be surrounded.
Native American ERIK BAINBRIDGE – who took part in the reconstruction of the native village of Kule Loklo in California, will show you how Native Americans build the subterranean roundhouse, an underground house that today will serve you as a storm shelter, a perfectly camouflaged hideout, or a bunker. It can easily shelter three to four families, so how will you feel if, when all hell breaks loose, you’ll be able to call all your loved ones and offer them guidance and shelter? Besides that, the subterranean roundhouse makes an awesome root cellar where you can keep all your food and water reserves year-round.
From Shannon Azares you’ll learn how sailors from the XVII century preserved water in their ships for months on end, even years and how you can use this method to preserve clean water for your family cost-free.
Mike Searson – who is a Firearm and Old West history expert – will show you what to do when there is no more ammo to be had, how people who wandered the West managed to hunt eight deer with six bullets, and why their supply of ammo never ran out. Remember the panic buying in the first half of 2013? That was nothing compared to what’s going to precede the collapse.
From Susan Morrow, an ex-science teacher and chemist, you’ll master “The Art of Poultice.” She says, “If you really explore the ingredients from which our forefathers made poultices, you’ll be totally surprised by the similarities with modern medicines.” Well…how would you feel in a crisis to be the only one from the group knowledgeable about this lost skill? When there are no more antibiotics, people will turn to you to save their ill children’s lives.
If you liked our video tutorial on how to make Pemmican, then you’ll love this: I will show you how to make another superfood that our troops were using in the Independence war, and even George Washington ate on several occasions. This food never goes bad. And I’m not talking about honey or vinegar. I’m talking about real food! The awesome part is that you can make this food in just 10 minutes and I’m pretty sure that you already have the ingredients in your house right now.
Really, this is all just a peek.
The Lost Ways is a far-reaching book with chapters ranging from simple things like making tasty bark-bread-like people did when there was no food-to building a traditional backyard smokehouse… and many, many, many more!
And believe it or not, this is not all…
Table Of Contents:
The Most Important Thing
Making Your Own Beverages: Beer to Stronger Stuff
Ginger Beer: Making Soda the Old Fashioned Way
How North American Indians and Early Pioneers Made Pemmican
Spycraft: Military Correspondence During The 1700’s to 1900’s
Wild West Guns for SHTF and a Guide to Rolling Your Own Ammo
How Our Forefathers Built Their Sawmills, Grain Mills,and Stamping Mills
How Our Ancestors Made Herbal Poultice to Heal Their Wounds
What Our Ancestors Were Foraging For? or How to Wildcraft Your Table
How Our Ancestors Navigated Without Using a GPS System
How Our Forefathers Made Knives
How Our Forefathers Made Snow shoes for Survival
How North California Native Americans Built Their Semi-subterranean Roundhouses
Our Ancestors’Guide to Root Cellars
Good Old Fashioned Cooking on an Open Flame
Learning from Our Ancestors How to Preserve Water
Learning from Our Ancestors How to Take Care of Our Hygiene When There Isn’t Anything to Buy
How and Why I Prefer to Make Soap with Modern Ingredients
Temporarily Installing a Wood-Burning Stove during Emergencies
Making Traditional and Survival Bark Bread…….
Trapping in Winter for Beaver and Muskrat Just like Our Forefathers Did
How to Make a Smokehouse and Smoke Fish
Survival Lessons From The Donner Party
So get some books, find some websites, and start building up your skill-set. Here are some resources to get you started:
The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)
Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever)
Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness )
Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source)
Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank)
Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home )
Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family)
Survive Any Crisis (Best Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis)
Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President)
Drought USA (Discover The Amazing Device That Turns Air Into Water)