Every day there seems to be yet another doomsday scenario unleashed in the news headlines. While some enemies are easier to recognize, others are more subtle, but no less deadly. Those hidden enemies, both a threat to individuals as well as the world’s population, are known as deadly bacteria. Is it possible that the world could end not by bullets, bombs, or nuclear weapons, but rather through infection and an out-of-control pandemic?
Here is what you should know about the possibility of a bacterial apocalypse and its potential for threatening life as we know it.
What is a bacterial apocalypse? Simply put, it is when harmful bacteria gets so out of control that we are unable to stop it. Bacteria can get out of control by multiplying and spreading without human beings being able to fight back through their immune systems or with antibiotics.
Antibiotics are used specifically to treat microscopic bacteria, but are not effective against viruses. Typical antibiotics include Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Tetracycline, and many others. Penicillin was the first antibiotic ever developed.
How could a bacterial apocalypse happen in today’s day and age? Easily, it turns out. According to James Gallagher of BBC News, there are two main problems that could herald such a terrifying and deadly event.
First, bacteria can become resistant to drugs used to fight their spread. As a drug is used against them, they evolve so they can survive and continue to multiply. Therefore, it is imperative to have plenty of
drug iterations on hand so bacteria cannot continue to ravage human bodies unchecked.
That leads us to the second point, which is lack of antibiotic development. Gallagher notes that there have been no new antibiotics unveiled since the early 1980s. What’s more, the ones that exist have
been used so often, and in such improper ways, that humans have helped make many bacteria resistant to the existing drugs out there.
Many people have used antibiotics for the wrong purposes, thinking that they can be effective for colds or flu. It is the misuse of these medicines and an increase of bacterial resistance that could ultimately
lead us into a war with bacteria, leading to untold deaths and devastation to the human population.
How likely is a bacterial apocalypse? Likely, but not guaranteed. In order to prevent a bacterial apocalypse, first and foremost we need to avert the threat by introducing new drugs to which humans are not yet
resistant. Without drugs that provide the shield of resistance against disease, our chances for such an apocalypse increases.
According to an article in New Scientist, bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics is becoming more prevalent.
In fact, in some areas it is not managed or controllable, and the problem keeps worsening.
Even more troublesome, while new medication could stop the spread and avert a bacterial apocalypse, there are many options standing in the way of progress – namely in the form of unwieldy regulations and the cost involved in developing such medicine.
Although a bacterial apocalypse is possible. With the advances in biotechnology and health care, the world’s defenses against such an event are many. To engage those defenses, though, we will need to lessen the roadblocks to the development and release of new antibiotics so they can get to the public as quickly as possible. In addition, the focus should be on guarding the public’s health rather than comparing which drug development paths are more profitable.
To do your part to help prevent a health catastrophe, be sure to get all your vaccinations, consult with your doctor on a regular basis, take medicine as directed (and only as directed), and stay aware of
developing events concerning bacteria and viruses. In the end, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Accumulating medications may be simple when it comes to finding aspirin and other non-prescription drugs but prescription drugs will be hard to get for those who can’t write their own prescriptions or don’t have a relationship with an understanding physician who can. Antibiotics are a case in point.
I consider this a major issue because there will be a much larger incidence of infections when people have to fend for themselves, and injure themselves as a result. Simple cuts and scratches from chopping wood can begin to show infection, in the form of redness, heat and swelling, within a relatively short time. Treatment of infections at an early stage improves the chance that they will heal quickly and completely. However, many preppers, being the rugged type, are most likely to ignore the problem until it get much worse and spreads to their entire body, causing problems that could eventually be fatal. Having antibiotics readily available would allow them to deal with the issue until medical help (if available at all) arrives.
Penicillin is a group of antibiotics originally derived from common molds. These were some of the first medications that could fight infections caused by staphylococci, streptococci, and other bacteria. Penicillin has been used since 1942.
Take a look at this collection The Lost Book Of Remedies, taken word for word out of a circa 1845 manual.
What is The Lost Book of Remedies? The Lost Book of Remedies PDF contains a series of medicinal and herbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs. Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remedies outlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taught herbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war two and that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures.
How does it work?
The premise is that many modern day medicines work on the basis that they treat the symptoms and not the cause, but contained within The Lost Book of Remedies are a number of tinctures and tonics made from plants and leaves that will treat the cause of the illness, thus eradicating the disease altogether.
The book is a direct copy of the little notebook carried around by the author’s grandfather when treating his patients. However, the illustrations of the plants have been updated to photographs so that they are easier for you to identify.
It has been used for so long, in fact, that many types of bacteria have developed resistance to it. Certain strains of some target bacteria, including staphylococci, secrete an enzyme called penicillinase. This enzyme inactivates penicillin.
For this reason, newer penicillins have cropped up in recent years. Methicillin, for example, is more effective against bacteria that produces penicillinase.
Penicillin was originally sourced from the fungus Penicillium. But of the 132 or so strains of Penicillium, only a small number are safe for humans.
Life before the discovery of penicillin was precarious. Dire outcomes after sustaining small injuries and diseases were common. A small scrape on the knee that got infected, disease like Strep Throat, or sexually transmitted diseases often ended in death.
This is exactly what you will want to be if a collapse situation occurs.
This article will tell you how you can actually make Penicillin at home. It sure as heck isn’t easy, and WE don’t even have all the stuff necessary to produce it. But I’m going to tell you the process anyway to illustrate an important point.
Let me say, once again, that this information is only for use in a post-collapse scenario, so don’t go and convert that meth lab of yours to an antibiotic factory. The practice of medicine without a license is illegal just about everywhere, and home laboratories are dicey legal subject matter.smd_tr7-50a43eb
Penicillin is a by-product of the Penicillium fungus, but the thing is, it’s a by-product of a Penicillium fungus that’s under stress! So you have to grow the fungus, and then expose it to stresses that will make it produce Penicillin.
First you need to produce a culture of the penicillium fungus. – Amicrobiological culture is a method of multiplying microscopic organisms by letting them reproduce in a certain environment under controlled conditions.
The next read is an excerpt from “The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies”, Chapter: Infections and wounds, pages 211-214:
One of the most important things to know is that it is easy for other critters to contaminate your penicillium culture, so use sterile techniques at all times or you will likely wind up with something entirely different!
Step 1
Expose a slice of bread or citrus peel or a cantaloupe rind to the air at 70 deg. F until a bluish-green mold develops. Takes a few days….
Cut two fresh slices of whole wheat bread into ½ inch cubes and place in a 750ml Erlenmeyer flask (the flask on the right in the above picture) with a non-absorbent plug. One thing you might not know is that a lot of bakeries put a substance called a mold inhibitor on bread. This stuff, which is called mycoban, is going to suppress the fungus, so you should probably use bread that you baked yourself. Sterilize the flask and contents in a pressure cooker for at least 15 minutes at 15 pounds. An alternate method is to place in an oven at 315 deg F for one hour.
In a sterile fashion, transfer the fungus from the bread or fruit peel into the flask containing the bread cubes. Allow the cubes to sit in the dark at 70 deg F for 5 days. This is called incubation. That’s the easy part….
Step 2 This is where it gets complicated….
Prepare one liter of the following solution:
Lactose Monohydrate 44.0 gm
Corn Starch 25.0 gm
Sodium Nitrate 3.0 gm
Magnesium Sulfate 0.25 gm
Potassium MonoPhosphate 0.50 gm
Glucose Monohydrate 2.75 gm
Zinc Sulfate 0.044 gm
Manganese Sulfate 0.044 gm
You’ll obviously need a scale that measures very small amounts, these are called gram scales and you can find them online. By the way, looking some of these ingredients up, I could find them at chemical supply houses, but they usually sell them in amounts of 500 gm or more.
Anyhow, dissolve in the order I listed them in 500ml of cold tap water and then add more cold water to complete the liter.
Adjust pH to 5.0-5.5 using HCL(hydrochloric acid). You’ll need a ph test kit, they sell them at pet shops and garden supply stores Fill containers with a quantity of this solution. Only use enough so that when the container is placed on its side the liquid will not touch the plug.
Sterilize the containers (use glass) and solution in a pressure cooker or stove just like you did before. When it cools, scrape up about a tablespoon of the fungus from the bread cubes and throw it into the solution.
Allow the containers to incubate on their sides at 70 deg F for 7 days. It’s important that they are not moved around. If you did it correctly, you’ll have Penicillin in the liquid portion of the media.Filter the mixture through a coffee filter or something similar, plug the bottles and refrigerate immediately.
Step 3
To extract the penicillin from the solution:
Adjust the cold solution to pH 2.2 using ( .01 %) HCL. Mix it with cold ethyl acetate in a separatory funnel (that’s a funnel with a stopcock; you can find all these items at chemistry glass suppliers) and shake well for 30 seconds or so.
Drain the ethyl acetate (which should be on the bottom) into a beaker which has been placed in an ice bath and repeat the process. Add 1% potassium acetate and mix. Now you want the ethyl acetate to evaporate off. This can be induced by a constant flow of air over the top of the beaker, say from a fan. When it dries, the remaining crystals are a mixture of potassium penicillin and potassium acetate.
There you have it, you have put together a laboratory and made Penicillin! You are now officially a mad scientist! Seriously, After looking at all this a few times, I’m guessing that making Penicillin at home isn’t that workable, after all. However, it does make a point. If there’s a collapse, you know there is no way that anyone will be able to reliably produce antibiotics.
Producing Your Own Penicillin From Oranges
It’s risky to treat infections with this or any do-it-yourself version of penicillin because:
Mold grows on any type of fruit. Here are steps to grow your own mold on oranges.
- Leave one orange in the crisper of your fridge until mold appears.
- Identify Penicillium. Not all of the several species of it produce penicillin. Be careful, as some other types of mold resemble Penicillium. Aspergillus is one of those. The surest and safest way to identify these is under a microscope. (See table below)
- Grow more Penicillium from the mold you got in step 1. Here is one way to do that, offered by Thought.Co.
- Extract the penicillin. The method Thought.Co suggests is to mix a weak form of acid, like citric acid, cream of tartar, or vitamin C and water to the mold. Then pour that liquid through a coffee filter. You’ll then have diluted penicillin.

Key Takeaway
Infected wounds must be treated immediately. Now that you see the distinction between several types of wounds, we hope you take to heart the importance of keeping your immune system strong. That way it will always be on the ready to combat harmful bacteria, a measure to prevent your overall suffering.
If you or a loved one have an infected wound, please follow the suggestions in this chapter and seek medical attention. Often when a person starts feeling better, they mistakenly believe an infection has resolved itself. Don’t make that mistake.
Finally, following a healthy lifestyle by eating a plant-based diet and staying active will help you minimize the negative effects of any infection you do get and prevent it from spreading. It’s our hope that you’ll feel better and enjoy life in your pursuit to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy under every circumstance possible.
Books can be your best pre-collapse investment.
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The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )
Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)
The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)
LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)